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It was now midnight and the bright moon was shining amongst the grey clouds in the night sky. Kai was introduced to the Mikaelson family and all went well, however, Klaus didn't fully forgive him for murdering Lizzie but Lizzie insisted that it was fine, it made her who she is today.

Kai currently was sleeping in her bed while Klaus and Lizzie went out to sort out this werewolf ring problem that Lizzie wasn't really aware of at this time.

Both of the twins were walking into the misty graveyard, "What happened to decorum?" Klaus yelled out.

Eyebrows furrowed in disappointment, "Does no one greet their guests anymore? That's disappointing, brother," Lizzie's shoulders dropped.

Not so long after, growling was heard from around the area and werewolves jumped out of the fog and showed themselves to the Mikaelson siblings.

"Well, that's more like it," Lizzie said with a cheery voice.

"However... I am rather disappointed at how many of my once formidable brethren... have been neutered by a sixteen-year-old girl," Klaus opening his arms out, "Where is she? Where is this witch who dares craft moonlight rings without my permission?" 

"Niklaus!" A strange girl's voice was heard from behind the werewolves and they moved out of the way to show her.

"I've been expecting you and your sister who decided to tag along like always... welcome! Please follow me," she said out and the two followed her into a room.

The girl had a pixie cut that was coloured brown- pale and brownish coloured eyes, "I must offer my condolences... on the tragic loss of your child," she said.

"Wasn't that your coven who threatened my niece's poor innocent life?" Lizzie questioned, sitting down and crossing her leg over her other, watching the girl pour Klaus some tea.

"Is that tea your idea of a peace offering?" Klaus said.

"Chamoline has lots of healing properties," she handed over Lizzie a cup of tea as well as she sat down, "Did you know that it's also a flowering plant?" 

Klaus nodded, "I did," he placed his tea down on the table, "The plants grew wild near my boyhood home... but neither the tea nor your botanical musings... explain the reason why you've taken it upon yourself to forge new moonlight rings." 

The girl just stared at Klaus with no emotion written beneath her words, "I assumed it was obvious. An alliance between the wolves and witches would restore balance to our home." 

"Well, that's a lofty goal for a teenage girl," Lizzie scoffed next to her brother at her words.

The teenage girl took a tiny sip of her tea and placed it back down, "Long ago, the witches and the wolves were at peace. Then came the vampires," she swallowed harshly, "A plague made flesh. A curse on this earth. You have no humanity, and so you punish those who do. Witches have a coven. Werewolves have a pack. And so we are a constant reminder of everything that you have forsaken. Creatures such as you will always hate the living, and so we will always have to defend ourselves," she glared between the two, "The rings level the playing field. If we are united... nothing can stand against us." 

"It's an ambitious strategy," Klaus leaned back in his chair, "Allow me to offer... a few words of advice, if I may be so bold. New Orleans is a vicious place... and your enemies are everywhere. Behind your back. Before your eyes. You will need to remain vigilant against those who would seek to destroy you. Some of whom you may never see coming." 

The girl spoke, "I've already begun to take precautions," she smiled, "In fact, I'm taking them as we speak." 

Lizzie's throat seemed like it was closing up and she excused herself from the room and stood outside for a minute after deciding she needed to get further away from them.

Walking through the town city with people playing the trumpets, many people walking together in the street. 

Lizzie walked into a bar and sat down at a barstool, ordering herself a vodka shot, downing it quickly and then scanning the area.

A man was refusing to step away from this young-looking girl and she held out her hand and the man fell to the ground clutching his head.

Around ten men were now surrounding the girl, "Can you do that with the rest of them?" the teenage girls' assumed boyfriend asked.

"Not all at once," the brown-haired girl replied.

One man sped over and knocked the teenage girl onto the floor with a thud, her boyfriend shoved him and he got flown across the room.

The boyfriend got crashed into behind the bar and all the glass smashed as he got into contact with it.

The men were growling and Lizzie noticed that they were all werewolves. The girl was speaking in an unknown language in a panic.

Lizzie was about to stand up for the girl but a man then made one of the werewolves hit against the wall.

"You filthy dogs," he spat.

Lizzie looked behind her and saw the man that had appeared. She felt sick to the core and she couldn't really describe how sick she felt.

The man fought off the werewolves, ripping out hearts, snapping necks and beheading. The girl was attempting to hit away a werewolf and Lizzie shoved him away with her strength.

"Well now... what an interesting turn of events," he said as he looked at Lizzie in her eyes. He had a smirk on his face and blood all over his clothes.

The brown-haired girl's boyfriend was staring at the man with a wide-eyed expression. His mouth was open wide and he couldn't stop staring.

The man who appeared to 'save the day' was somebody who Lizzie wished she'd never see again. 

A man who caused chaos.

A man who breaks everything he touches.

The man; the vampire who hunts vampires.

Mikael Mikaelson -- her father.

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hah haha hfhhfhha funny number :O

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