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It was the next morning, the sun shining through the crimson coloured curtains in Lizzie's bedroom, grunts and smashing things was heard from downstairs.

She groaned to herself knowing it was another one of Damon's hissy fits that she had been hearing throughout the whole night; a pillow placed over her ears during the night did not solve the problem at all.

She rubbed at her eyes and walked downstairs at the same time Elena walked into the living room after hearing the thuds as well.

"Damon," Elena said in a worried tone of voice.

"What are you doing? Can't you clearly see that I'm trying to get another few hours of my beauty sleep in?" Lizzie huffed and rolled her eyes.

"Looking for a... healthy outlet for my rage," Damon said and smashed the lamp right next to Elena with a crowbar, "Haven't found it yet."

Lizzie let out a huge huff in response, "Are you done having your girly rage, Lizzie? I really need your help with my mother," Damon said.

Elena looked at Lizzie and then back at Damon, "Stop destroying things, this isn't going to make anything better--" Damon's girlfriend spoke.

"--Stefan without his humanity is one artery away from Stefan the ripper, and every day that goes by is one year of guilt waiting for him on the other side," Damon said.

"Yeah, well, not to add to our growing pile of bad news, but we didn't just lose Stefan. We lost our chance to spark Caroline's humanity," Elena sighed and walked forwards, "Turns out he was her emotional trigger."

Damon hummed in response and held out the crowbar to Lizzie, "No thanks Mr Salvatore--" and Damon rolled his eyes, "Well, take it away from me because I'm seconds away from using it on this," Damon spoke and picked up a camera with his free hand.

The tribrid roughly took it out of his hands, "All right," she agreed and held the crowbar in her hand.

Damon was looking down at the camera, "Who is that?" Elena asked.

"This... is Lillian Salvatore," Damon showed Elena but didn't bother showing Lizzie because she obviously has seen her before when she was the size of a toddler.

"His mother's still alive--" Lizzie said but was cut off by Damon.

"Turns out she's been in a prison world snapshot of 1903 for over a century," Damon said and handed the camera over to Elena.

"Your mother's still alive?" Elena said out in shock.

"Oh, yeah. Alive and well, not in the pine box that I thought I buried her in 1858, and apparently, she's a vampire and not just any kind of vampire either-- she's a ripper. One of Lillian's old pals, also known as, Lizzie Mikaelson, told me last night before she stormed off in one of her pregnancy rages," Damon said.

"You know, Stefan was always such a mama's boy. He would have hanged himself with his mother's apron strings if it meant her approval. We both would. We loved her. She was our world-- what?" Damon spoke but stopped when Elena gave him a look.

"No. No way!" He said when Elena's face lit up with an idea.

"This is our only way to get Stefan back! You can't tell me that his mother isn't an emotional trigger," Elena said.

"Elena, this woman killed so many people that an entire coven of witches built her a permanent timeout! You don't fix one ripper problem by unleashing another ripper," Damon said and Lizzie agreed.

Lizzie's hand ran over her baby bump and she sighed while listening to the two figuring out how to get Stefan back from his ripper rage.

It has been a very long while since Lizzie found out she was pregnant-- she was most likely three months into her pregnancy and she could most definitely see a change in her belly.

She hasn't responded to any of Kai's calls or messages since last night when she slept because she just couldn't deal with any more stress.

"Think about it. If this works, we don't just get Stefan and Caroline back. We get your mother back. Aren't you even a little curious, to see her?" Elena asked.

"I might know a few witches that could help," Damon said while turning around, wiggling his eyebrows at Lizzie and then started speaking, "The one and only, Lizzie Mikaelson, and Bonnie Bennett."

"Damon? Are you completely out of your mind? She's pregnant!" Elena said but Lizzie shook her head.

"I'll be fine. I'm tough as steel, don't worry about me. Only a few spells-- witchy woo here-- witchy woo there," She made witchy gestures with her free hand.

"Gosh-- she sounds like Kai," Damon huffed and walked away.


Damon left soon after to convince Bonnie to help with their plan to get into the 1903 prison world to 'save' the rippers, also known as, Stefan and Caroline.

Deciding that Lizzie needed some fresh air after feeling slightly dizzy with all the heat and sickness she received from carrying a baby.

Walking past a café that she was about to enter to grab a coffee to get rid of the tiredness -- something had caught her eye and she noticed Bonnie and Kai sitting down at a table together and it really looked like Kai was smiling a lot and it looked like a date.

Kai was speaking and Lizzie couldn't really make out the words from his lips but he leant over and stuck a chip in his mouth while glancing at Bonnie.

Don't jump to conclusions was the greatest policy in Lizzie's life, she can't help but feel jealousy when she sees her boyfriend chatting with her ex-best-friend.

Nothing is wrong with your boyfriend talking to other girls but the fact that he looks happy and cheery with her truly made her feel insecure about her well being.

Lizzie held up her hand and closed her palm into a fist -- Bonnie's plate of flood fell all over her lap and she looked truly angry.

Bonnie seemed to rule her life recently, telling Lizzie who and who not to have sexual intercourse with and who to have kids with.

Lizzie walked away from the café and didn't seem to care about anything anymore and just vamp-sped over to the Salvatore boarding house to calm down her emotions a little.

Being a supernatural being makes your emotions truly magnified -- it can cause chaos if you are only feeling rage.

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AAAA sorry if it's a bit short -- the next three will be posted the week after this, having a week break

I DON'T CARE - Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now