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Lizzie was wide awake whereas Bonnie was just starting to wake up from being unconscious in the tunnels.

The metal was rattling because Kai was trying to figure out how to fix the ascendant after it had blown up into tiny pieces.

"Oh. Look who's awake," Kai took his mind from the ascendant for one moment to focus on Bonnie who was now stirring, "How do you feel?"

"Like you shot me with an arrow," Bonnie sassed as she held her hand over her wound.

"Kai we all know you don't care so zip it and get us out of here," It now was Lizzie's turn to speak up for the first time after waking up.

He just stared at Lizzie with no emotion, "Right. Anyhoo, I have no idea how you managed to shatter the ascendant into a billion pieces, but we need to put it together before the eclipse at 12:28," he patted his lap, "You want to help Lizzie? I know you're a puzzle person." He spoke as he patted his lap in signal for the tribrid to take a seat.

"We don't want to help you-- you're a psychopath. This place is your prison. I'm not letting you out. Besides, you'll just kill us the minute we get out." Lizzie said while Bonnie nodded in agreement behind her.

Lizzie rolled her eyes at Kai trying to flirt with her once again for like the billionth time since they were in the prison world.

"You've been through a trauma," he got up from his seat and started walking towards Lizzie, "Your memory's probably a little fuzzy right now, so you might be thinking that your magic will protect you, but all I have to do is hold your hand," he gripped onto Lizzie's wrist, "and your magic suddenly becomes mine."

Lizzie's head was hurting so much, "Stop it!" Bonnie yelled from behind Lizzie.

Her head was now on Kai's chest and she was whimpering, "What was that? Huh? What? You're going to force Bonnie to do the spell and finally get us all home?"

It all happened in a flash, Bonnie made a pen magically float and launch into the side of Kai's neck causing him to stop whatever he was doing and bleed out.


Bonnie opened the backpack and slid all the pieces of the ascendant into the bag; Lizzie looked at Kai on the ground who was watching her as he bled out.

Lizzie jokily blew a kiss to Kai and winked, leaving with Bonnie to leave this hellhole.


Bonnie drove Lizzie and herself down to the hospital to gather some supplies to heal herself from the wound she had.

Lizzie helped Bonnie walk and they both stopped at a cabinet full of medication, "Antibiotics!" Lizzie whisper-yelled as Bonnie was looking for antiseptic wipes.

After Bonnie got some antiseptic wipes, she helped Lizzie get some pills, "Painkillers"

Bonnie took a handful of painkillers and shoved them into her mouth, Lizzie carefully started pulling off the bandage on Bonnie's stomach.

"Unh" Bonnie squinted her eyes from the pain.

"It's okay-- we're getting out of here," Lizzie reassured the Bennett witch and placed a fresh new bandage on her stomach.

"An hour and forty-three minutes, we can do this" Bonnie said while helping Lizzie try to fix the ascendant.

Not going to lie, Lizzie found it quite easy to mend the ascendant together after seeing it back in 1994.

The only problem was that one piece was missing, "Where's the last piece?" Bonnie panicked, looking everywhere on the desk and in the bag to find nothing.

I DON'T CARE - Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now