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Snoring from the person on the couch with the random object laying on his chest, "Perfect. Our saviour's insane and narcoleptic." 

Lizzie knew for a fact that he wasn't sleeping nor that he was narcoleptic. 

"No, No, no," Kai ruffled about a bit before sitting up, "I'm awake. Let me guess-- you killed the pregnant woman." 

"Shut up, Kai. You weren't listening." Damon made his way over to the fireplace.

"I was listening, in my sleep," holding both hands up to emphasize each word, "You were hanging out with your distant nephew Zach, who you called Uncle Zach because that's not confusing. Plus pregnant lady Gail, who had a big bulls-eye on her chest. Got it." 

"Tell me you didn't kill a pregnant woman," meanwhile Bonnie lectured Damon, Lizzie and Kai were busy staring at each other in the eye. 

She wasn't the only one feeling the butterflies in her lower stomach; the sexual memories between the two, eighteen years ago, was not fading at all.

"Oh, that's totally what happened. Why else would today be his personal hell?" Lizzie was about to protest and tell Kai that he knew the exact reason but he just went, "Ah, ba, ba, don't interrupt people when they're talking, Lizzie." 

She was left fuming but let him off just this once for playing mind games with the other two who had no clue why they were stuck in a twilight zone with a sociopath. 

 "Oh, here we go," Damon bent down and looked at Kai. 

"The only reason you're alive is that I thought you could get us out of here and you could help us, but you don't have any answers," He raised his voice at Kai, "You're just a man-child with jam on your fingers!" 

Kai just sat there with no emotions written on his face, "Well then," he sat forwards, "To get home, we'll harness the power of the eclipse using a mystical relic. It's called an ascendant, and it looks like this, Damon," holding up the 'ascendant' with the objects he used, "The last time we had it was in the Pacific Northwest, Oregon." 

"We?" Bonnie butted in, crossing her arms over and looking at the open book on the table that Kai just put down. 

"It belonged to my family," Lizzie honestly felt sick to her stomach thinking back to all the dead bodies surrounding her, including her own. 

"So here's a little blood to get you started." Kai then slit the top of his finger with the pocket knife. 

Kai knew what he was doing to the tribrid in front of him; taunting her, giving her major flashbacks of what happened, especially the memories that both of them knew. 

"Now all we need is a locator spell to pinpoint its whereabouts," tilting his head with a smirk on his face.

Lizzie had enough with Kai and stormed off, but didn't forget to nudge his shoulder harshly with her supernatural strength. 

"Ouch," hissing to himself and holding his shoulder in pain, "What's up with her?" Kai spoke but nobody answered.

"Think you can find our ticket out of here, Bon Bon?" 

"Hell, yeah." Bonnie crossed her arms and smirked to herself.


Lizzie was about to get some fresh air but Damon was sitting on a bench near some hedges, throwing paper aeroplanes onto the fresh patch of grass. 

The tribrid regretted coming outside from his childish behaviour; one would think the big bad vampire would be somewhat mature. 

"Phesmatos tribum nas ex viras, sequitas sanguinem," Bonnie had her eyes shut and she was chanting. 

Kai was standing across from Bonnie and watching the blood not move at all to locate the ancendents whereabouts. 

"Hey, Lizzie!" Kai made his way over to Lizzie and wrapped an arm around her shoulders but she quickly shrugged it off and made her way over to Bonnie.

"It just doesn't feel right. Maybe I need a bigger map," The Bennett witch was then cut off by the immature vampire.

"Maybe you're just out of practice and you suck at magic now," Damon poured himself a glass of bourbon. 

"Ignore him, Bonnie," Kai leant forwards, "Pretend he's a white noise machine. That's how I used to tune out my siblings," 

There it was again. The taunting of the horrors. Kai kept bringing up his family and his past and Lizzie knew everything about his family. 

He knew how much the family meant to Lizzie and the coven. 

"I grew up with a ton of little sisters and brothers and all of them constantly yammering," He then made his way over to Bonnie who was starting to look a bit uncomfortable from him breaking her personal bubble. 

"But it, uh, taught me how to focus," His face was now close to hers and Bonnie looked very surprised. 

"Easy there, big brother. She doesn't know you. At least buy her a drink," Damon said sassily but then took another large sip of his bourbon while looking disgusted. 

Damon walked off. 

"Nas ex viras, sequitas sanguinem. Phesmatos tribum nas ex viras, sequitas sanguinem." 

"The blood is moving towards Virginia, that can't be right.--" Kai spoke but was then cut off by Lizzie. 

"Uh-uh, spells working." 

"It's showing me, Mystic Falls," she turned around and looked at Kai this time instead of the map," the blood was moving rapidly across the map, "It feels so... close" when she said the last word she placed one palm on his chest and all the candles around them were now lit. 

"It's right... here," she then lifted her palm off of his chest and the candles were now unlit. 

Lizzie did feel slightly jealous at their contact because of her past with him; she does still have a tiny crush on him but she just didn't realise. 

Kai looked at Lizzie and smirked knowing it had effected her that he had gotten touched by the other witch, he took something out of his pocket, "Very good." 

The tribrid had a great look at it and immediately recognised it as the ascendant they use for prison worlds in the Gemini Coven.

"That's the ascendant?" Bonnie questioned.

"The one and only." He smirked to himself and waved it in Lizzie's face knowing she knew what it was.

"Thanks for the mind games, jackass." Damon huffed with his arms crossed against his chest.

Lizzie turned around and stood next to Damon this time so she had some space from Kai, "It was just another little test to make sure Bonnie's magic was precise enough for the spell," turning his gaze from Lizzie to Bonnie, "I do believe you're ready. Pack your bags. We're going home." 

Damon smiled and wiggled his eyebrows at Bonnie then at Lizzie; the exciting thought of him and Elena having a hot date whereas Lizzie was terrified to let such a monster out. 

Would he just end up killing her again?..

I DON'T CARE - Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now