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"Is something the matter, brother?" Klaus asked his brother, Elijah, with a cup of alcohol in his free hand, pointing a finger at him, "-can I fix you a drink, perhaps?" 

The other brother had his arms crossed over his chest, "-strangely enough, I'm not in a mimosa mood." 

"Fantastic, more for me" 

He sighed, "-let's discuss strategy, shall we, Niklaus? Just wondering if you have one. We can begin with Mikael's ashes. Given that they are the main ingredient... in our weapon against Dahlia, care to tell me where they disappeared to?" 

The original hybrid slammed down his wineglass, "-Elijah, I have compelled the city's finest pastry chef for your edification... and yet you ignore my efforts in favor of needless concerns." 

Heels clicked on the floor as Rebekah entered the dining room, "-can we stop talking so loudly? I wonder if you've come to realize that our dearest sister, Lizzie, wasn't anywhere to be found last night, ever since Dahlia's return, it's as if she vanished from the face of the earth."

Klaus' heart dropped, his stern gaze on Rebekah, "-where is Kai? He is supposed to be looking after her, they're in a relationship, it's what he's meant to do!" 

"Now, now, dear brother, we will find Elisabeth," he circled the table and patted Klaus' shoulder, "-and that's a promise." 

Rebekah had a worried expression on her face, frowned lips, "-Dahlia came back for Lizzie and also is here for Hope. She's going to use them for her petty ambitions." 

Klaus stood up from the table, his chair squeaking as it was pushed back, "-we are to find her now. We are not waiting for a second, I want my twin sister in one piece." 

Right after he stopped speaking, the siblings rushed to Lizzie's bedroom to only find an empty room. 

The bedsheets were disturbed, the window wide open letting in a cold draft, "-where the bloody hell is Kai?" 

Elijah bent down and twirled something between his fingers, "-this may be the answer to our whereabouts of our sister." 

The item he had in his hand was a bloodied knife, dried blood was on the blade, Lizzie's blood from where Kai had stabbed her under the influence of Dahlia.

"I also think this is the answer of who took her," Rebekah pointed to a flower that was growing on the ceiling, Black Dahlia's. 

Klaus gritted his teeth and yelled, kicking the side of the bed, "-we need to find her NOW. If we don't find her, we'll never see her again, she will be taken for good." 


Meanwhile, a sob escaped Lizzie's mouth as she was chained up to a wall, Dahlia crouched down and placing both hands on her cheeks.

"There's nothing to cry about, darling," her fingers soothed her facial features, wiping away her tears, "-my niece, how the times has changed." 

Lizzie's dress was soaked in blood, the actual wound was healed by Dahlia, she leaned forwards and placed her forehead against Lizzie's, humming to a song that she remembers from Norway.

"Come on, sing with, my dear," she whispered, Lizzie cried to herself, complying and gulping every so often in fear.

Dahlia smiled and backed away, standing up, "-we'll be the happy family we were before, I'll have Hope, Freya, and you." 

Lizzie choked through her sobs, the salty tears going between her lips, "-where is Kai?" she cried out. 

Her facial expression dropped, "-he's fine, darling, trust me," twirling around the room, clicking on the stone pavement with her heels, "-where is Hope?" 

I DON'T CARE - Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now