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Portland, June 2nd - 1993

Lizzie Evans; grew out of the constant feeling of torture when nobody was around, the boy surely made her feel uncomfortable in her own skin.

She didn't tell anyone of course. Simply was afraid incase Malachai caused her or her family pain.  This was an appropriate feeling, eventually Lizzie was determined to not let him control her life. She was now at the age where she can make her own decisions without a sociopath interfering.

The youngster was no longer scared of him, of course an eerie feeling still emitted in her lower stomach when she thought back to him sucking her magic out of her very own skin.

Malachai Parker loved causing people pain, however, he wasn't like this when he was a little boy. He was broken and it caused him to snap and in his father's eyes become an abomination.

Someone born without the ability to magic was just like the rest of the witches, they were nothing different.  We are all the same.

Lizzie kept her distance from the older boy and focused on herself and her growing friendship with Josette, Malachai's twin.

Jo was completely different from her twin brother, she was capable of feeling emotions and was able to fall in love.

Was Malachai redeemable?  Everyone just seems to paint an impression on their first glance of somebody, people can change.

Jo and Lizzie's friendship developed even more throughout the days. The older girl's feelings for Lizzie grew emensly, the younger girl was oblivious but found herself constantly thinking about her best-friend.

The Parker kids would always make fun of Jo and how she is so clingy to Lizzie, Joey would always tease her and whereas Malachai would just roll his eyes at the pathetic young love.

Lizzie Evans☆•°

Determined to find what Malachai's problem is, knocking on the Parker's front door with her knuckles.  A stern look was on her face and then the door opened to reveal Joey.

"Josette isn't here at the moment, she went grocery shopping. Want to wait for her inside?" Joey smiled down at the blonde girl, nodding as she set foot in the house.

Joey walked off and minded his own business, whereas Lizzie knew what she wanted to look for.

Malachai's room.

Creeping up the stairs as she tried to look natural as if she was going to wait in Jo's room, but instead looked around the hallways and finally reached a door that had multiple 'DO NOT ENTER' signs and assumed it was his.

Was he even home? She thought to herself.

Placing her hand on the cold mental handle, pushing it down slightly and made sure the door wouldn't creak as much.  Nobody was in the room.

Sighing in relief, she wanted to see if she could find her missing underwear that she assumed Malachai stole from his journey to the 'bathroom' back at dinner.

She started her look for her underwear, rummaging through his drawers which were scattered with junk and tissues.  Pens, paper and dusty old books shoved in the back of them. 

Furrowing her eyebrows in annoyance as she then closed the drawer and looked throughout the one below.  Nothing.

Getting on her knees, peaking under his bed and only saw blankets and even more scattered books.  Books about magic and nonsense, she didn't have a care in the world to read the titles.

Her hair was now messy from bending over like that, her hair would always try to curl itself and was very wavy in the mornings.

Despite all her efforts to try and straighten her hair with a straightener every morning after she wakes up from a long nap, it still remains curly.

She was pretty good with all her self-care and all, obviously except the few days she kept in her bedroom locked up with constant fear. overwhelming her insides

Her underwear was no where to be seen.

Maybe he really did just go to the bathroom after all and maybe she overreacted? Gosh she seemed like an idiot rummaging through a boy's junk.

All on her mind was him.

Did she want to think that he stole something from her? Or did she not want it to happen?

It was a weird feeling to describe on how she felt about the situation; he sure was a pervert and it wasn't hard to tell in her eyes.

Through her efforts of being a detective, she heard footsteps from behind her and immediately turned around in shock.  Scared of being caught.

"Oh hello" Malachai said just before he took a sip of his can of soda, swallowing the fizzy liquid he then had a stern look on his face - eyebrows furrowed and his jawline sharp.

He closed the door behind him and locked it, Lizzie didn't really have a good gut feeling of this. Why would he lock the door for no reason? Surely he'd just want her to leave his room and shut up.

Lizzie looked around nervously and gulped as she began to feel anxious.  "I.. I'm sorry- I should leave now" she made her way to the door but he just chuckled.

"What were you doing in here?" She had turned around and decided to come up with a lie that first popped up into her head. 

"Did you really want to get in my pants that quick? I'm not complaining, Lizzie" he moved towards her, towering over her as he smirked and admired her facial features.

"No- I was just curious to see what this room was like.." she rambled, you could tell by the tone of her voice that it was a complete lie.

He hummed, his left hand grazed her cheek as the cold metal rings made her knees shiver in excitement.

"You down to fuck?" Biting his lip as he started to feel his jeans tighten with excitement and the flashbacks of him jacking off to her came back. 

A blush went over her cheeks and she shook her head to say 'no'. She would've said it out loud but she wouldn't have the audacity to say 'no' to such a handsome face.

Another chuckle left his lips as he removed his palm from her cheek, tilting his head to the side as he spoke.

"What was the real reason of you being in here?"

She couldn't meet his eyes, she was nervous and embarrassed.

Before she could speak, the front door was heard opening and she quickly turned around and unlocked the door; Malachai grabbed her wrist, and whispered in her ear.

"If I ever find you in here again, I'll fuck you senseless, and that's a promise sweetheart." He let go off her wrist, letting her run downstairs.

Now he had to take care of another big problem he had, his boner.

I DON'T CARE - Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now