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Sitting down on the couch in the Salvatore boarding houses' living room; Lizzie's eyes did not dare look at the monster who ruined her mentally.

She is a tribrid after all but the pain Kai had caused her was mentally, not physical.

A slight groan signalled that the unconscious male was now awake and Lizzie couldn't help but stare at the man she once loved deeply. 

Kai turned his neck both sides to crack the tension from being stuck in a certain position for hours, his eyes looking at Lizzie and then to his side. 

Weird thing though, Damon was stood near the fire with a bag of pork rinds. Lizzie thought that he had mentioned he found them disgusting. 

"You're awake. Good." Damon turned his attention to the tied up male in the chair. 

"Now for the Q&A portion of the evening," Kai didn't really listen to the vampire, all he did was stare at his tied hands. 

"Let me guess. I answer right, I get a pork rind. Wrong, I get a poker." The tone of voice he was using signified that he didn't really care.

"What? No, no, no," hiding the packet of pork rinds behind his back while Lizzie did an eye roll, "These are for me-- you just get the poker." 

The tied up male was looking at his surroundings; Lizzie was the first thing he went and looked at. 

Believe it or not, but a few days after Kai had got sent to the prison world, he cried. Cried of losing the only chance he had with the only person who treated him like he was worth it and not an abomination. 

When somebody or something enters the prison world, bright light and a sound would occur to signify somebody's grand entrance. 

When the trio had unfortunately arrived in Kai's prison world, he was shocked that Lizzie was still alive but didn't really think too much of it until he had smashed all the bottles in the supermarket. The vervain affected her, but why? 

"Yeah. You don't have to do that." Kai tilted his head to the side at Damon.

"No?" He then poked Kai with the poker.

"We're on the same team." 

The tribrid then stood up and nudged Damon out of the way so she could easily see the man in the chair, "Really? Do you always try and kill your teammates?" As soon as she had said the word 'kill' she had squinted her eyes at him to at least remind him of the haunting memories. 

"The important thing is that Bonnie has her magic back. It worked," He looked behind Lizzie to look at Bonnie then back at Lizzie. 

"What, you-- you didn't really think I'd kill you and Damon, did you? Heh heh. In what universe does that make sense? Who would kill 1/4 of our population? I'm not a monster. I knew Bonnie would show up. She always comes back, all thirteen times, and I knew with the right motivation she'd be able to access her magic, although I-I did get a little worried with all your bickering that Damon's life wouldn't be enough motivation, Lizzie's life, on the other hand, would be a perfect motivation." 

Bonnie stood up behind Lizzie and walked towards Kai, "So you did all that just to make sure I would have my magic?" 

"Of course I did. Because your magic is the key to getting the hell out of here." Kai finished his sentence then looked at Lizzie, winking. 

All the old memories came flashing back into her mind. The certain memories of him and her being very intimate and of course the memories of him stabbing her to death. 

I DON'T CARE - Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now