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Hand in hand, strolling down the street of the French Quarter, a smile plastered upon their faces, the sun beaming down and reflecting off of their skin.

A lemon dress knee-length, the girl spoke, "There is no place where I'd rather be, Malachai Parker, I'm never letting that woman take you hostage ever again," she promised.

His pearly white smile, squeezing his girlfriend's hand, "When in your hands, that is when I feel the safest, not to mention, I'm capable of defending myself too, you know?" 

A sigh left Lizzie's lips, all she wanted for him is to be safe and with her all the time, "I know, I know, I just want you to be safe" 

The two continued to walk down the street, observing the beautiful flowers and stores that were open for business, a stray ginger cat running past the two, brushing itself up against her leg and meowing to itself before trotting off with its day.

Church bells going off, something was off about the sound, they clashed together in the same tune Dahlia had created.

Kai stopped in his tracks, peering over to Lizzie who had a horrified facial expression, "That's the tune, the tune that Dahlia does when she's watching over us?" 

The tribrid gulped, nodding quickly, fixing her dress, and rushing home with Kai following shortly behind her.

Glass doors opened to reveal Elijah, Freya, and Rebekah. The two sisters were lighting candles and casting spells. 

Rebekah looked at Lizzie before nodding, lifting her arms up as she chanted in Latin. Freya walked out of the room with the doll, Lizzie and Kai following behind.

Freya reached into the buggy and pulling out a replicate of Hope, it looked exactly like her, for the most part.

"Are you sure this will work?" Kai whispered to Lizzie who kept her eyes strongly on a woman in black entering the compound. 

Freya held the baby tight to her, watching Dahlia's heels click against the stone pavement, becoming closer and closer.

Dahlia stopped in her tracks, hands in pockets, "I come all this way to collect what is owed to me... and whom should I find?" 

"Tante, please listen. I betrayed my siblings so I could procure this child," Freya began as Dahlia walked closer.

Lizzie pushed Kai behind her in defense, Dahlia chuckled at her response, "I offer her to you now... and in exchange, I only ask that you release me and Elisabeth from our obligations to you," Freya said.

"How curious that you should bargain with me for that which is already mine. But by all means, make your case for why you both should be freed... and then I will decide whether to release you... or kill you once and for all." 

Kai went to lunge forwards but was stopped by Lizzie's hand, "You surprise me. Betraying the family you meant to coax to your side. How very ruthless of you," Dahlia began slowly walking forwards.

"I had hoped that the rest would welcome me as a sister. I was wrong," Freya replied, a saddened expression on her face.

"Of course you are, you poor little fool. To think that Esther's wicked progeny could ever care for you," her eyes wandered over the two girls, "They are known the world over for obscene acts of violence, and yet you sought them out. Instead of staying where you both belonged. With me." 

Lizzie could tell that Freya's hands were shaking, tears flooding her vision, Lizzie glanced back over to her aunt in disgust, "I offered to protect you for all time, and you left me, and now it is you who is alone. But then-- who could love... such a deceitful little wretch?" 

I DON'T CARE - Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now