Chapter 43: Same Mistakes

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"Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to lead.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay."
-Robert Frost


I follow the familiar roads and side streets to my beautiful girlfriend's house, admiring my favorite landmarks along the way. The graphic graffiti that decorates the brick wall across from the grocery store. The connecting telephone wires that form a silhouette similar to the Eiffel Tower. The small café around the corner of her apartment that has yet to take down their Christmas lights.

I start to see the light drizzle tapping against the front window of my Range Rover. My mind drifts off as her flat comes into view. We've gone through so much in only a matter of six months and I couldn't be more thankful for the product. Even us sleeping together - only knowing each other for little over a week - I'm even grateful for that; it takes the pressure off, resulting in us being able to bypass the awkward phase in our relationship.

Sometimes I need to take a step back and think if everything that has happened over the last six months. My four best mates and I found and took in two of the most beautiful girls in the whole wide world, I found the love of my life, and we even got a dog! It's absolutely mad how our lives have changed so much in that small sliver of time, it passes so fast - almost too fast. As I pull up to the parking spot adjacent to hers, I comb through my hair, making sure it is perfectly presentable for my paragon.

I make my way through the small complex, passing by paragons of planters with colorful shining flowers, each trying to be smoother or brighter than the next.

I walk up the small staircase leading to her flat, it being on the second floor. I lift the small door knocker and bang it against the door lightly a few times, elated to see her face when she sees me coming to surprise her. The door swings open to reveal her seemingly flawless face, a bit of confusion sprinkled on her features.

"Harry, what are you doing here?" asks Skylar.

"Nice to see you, too, beautiful." I lean in to place a chaste kiss on her plump pink lips.

"Come on in, goofball," she giggles, gripping my shoulder and tugging me inside. "But seriously, not that I don't love getting surprise visits, but what are you doing here?"

I take a seat on her couch as I enter the dimly lit flat. "Well, first-off, I'd like credit in the future for this visit, but Louis wanted the house to himself tonight so he told us to get lost and I thought what better than to visit my gorgeous girlfriend." I smirk sillily and lean in for another kiss. After she places herself on the couch, leaning on me, her legs across my lap, she leans in just to giggle against my lips before finally connecting hers with my own.

She runs her hand through my hair as she takes another deep breath to prepare for the next few seconds of connected lips. She pulls away. "What did Lou want the house for? Is he seeing someone?"

"You know, I neglected to ask him. I was planning on coming over here anyway, so I didn't exactly question, but my guess would be for a girl."

"Well, don't look a gift horse in the mouth," she giggles before leaning in again to have me fall back on the couch. She situates herself on top of me as she runs both her hands through my now flatted head of hair, not bothering to support herself, seeing as she doesn't exactly weigh very much.

I move my hands through her hair at a fast pace, as if I didn't, the whole scene unfolding in front of me would end, and I wasn't going to let that happen. My hands go down to grasp her bum, her letting out a gasp as my hands gripped her. I took this as an opportunity to slide my tongue into her mouth, causing a moan to ascend from deep in her throat.

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