Chapter 6: So We Meet Again

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AN: Sorry, we know it's been awhile since we updated, but trust us, the rest will be coming up.


Anyways, we hope you guys like this chapter!

Xoxo, r & a

"You never know the last time you'll see a place. Or a person."


I felt bad, yelling at the girls like that, but we were looking after them for the time-being, so it was up to us to fill in as the parental figures. I mean, who thinks of that? How did two seven-year-olds pull that off? I was absolutely blown away. I didn't even know what their punishment would be, I mean, seriously. I was just glad the girls didn't press charges or anything. We had another show tonight, so the girls would be back to watch them, I told them that they were in charge, obviously, so if the girls did anything wrong, they had permission to give them a consequence.

"We have another show tonight, girls." I say to them while we all sit at the table eating lunch. "You know what that means?"

Lyla scrunched up her face. "Don't tell's them." She hisses.

"NOOOO!" Olivia yells.

Harry smirks. "Serves you right."

"Well, you don't understand what it's like being smarter than your babysitters! Since you're so dumb yourself, Curly." Lyla spits, earning laughs from all around.

"Why me!?" Harry says dramatically, raising his hands to the sky.

"When are you guys leaving for the show?" Olivia questions.

"In about an hour." Zayn answers.

"Jordan and Skylar will be here any moment now." Louis adds.

"What should we plan this time, Olivia?" Lyla asks sarcastically.

"I don't know, Lyla. How about we glue them to the couch?" Olivia snickers.

"No." I say pointing to them. "Absolutely, NONE of that!"

The doorbell rings and, as if on cue, the girls shoot the stink eye in all of our directions, before running off to answer it.



Olivia and I answer the door with a sigh.

"HIIII!" Skylar and Jordan say together.

"Bye." I say almost slamming the door, but not before Harry, who had come behind us, along with the other boys, stops it.

"Hey!" He says as I roll my eyes. "You girls aren't getting out of this."


"Come on in, girls." Zayn tells them.

"Ok!" Jordan jumps into the house, followed by Skylar, who was just as energetic.

I look to my partner in crime, Olivia, and give her a smirk, she nods. We were trying to be stealthy but, it seems someone noticed our actions.

"Girls..." Liam warned us. "I wouldn't if I were you..."

"Always have to ruin the fun. Don't you?" I sigh as Olivia nods in agreement.

"Don't say that!" He ruffles my hair.

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