Chapter 4: Questions...

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AN: Hello, our lovelies!!!
Keep reading, thank you so much!! We're glad you've come this far, we won't quit on you!!
Love you all!!! Hope you enjoy this chapter!!

Xoxo, rain and autumn

"Around here we don't look backwards for very long... we keep moving forward, opening new doors and doing new things because we're curious... and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."
-Walt Disney


"Ok, so girls, we have an interview today, so are you ok staying home alone?" Louis asks the girls as we all huddle in the kitchen.

"We can't leave them home alone!" Liam, always the protective one, jumps in, not letting the girls answer.

"We stayed home alone for three days!" Lyla yells at Liam.

"But I want to go! That'd be fun!" Olivia runs in from the living room, now interested in the conversation.

"Ew, no, how boring." Olivia jabs her elbow into Lyla, due to her comment.

"Can we?" She stands on her tippy toes, like she was a dog asking for a treat.

"I don't know, guys?" Liam turns to us, looking for our answers.

"I don't know how our managers would feel about it." I chime in.

"Do you really trust us here in this amazingly big house alone?" Lyla asks, knowing that Liam wouldn't. He lets out a sigh.

"That's true, ok, but you guys will just be sitting backstage, and there won't be anything to do, you'll get bored." He explains, trying to persuade them to stay.

"How long is it?"

"Well, the actual interview is only, about, fifteen minutes, but there's all the prep before hand." Harry adds.

"Yes, because we know how long it takes you to make your hair perfect, Curly." I let out a chuckle from Lyla's comment and earn a glare from Harry.

"We'll be fine, we'll just be ourselves; perfect little angels." Olivia puts her fingers to her chin, rests her head on her hands and forearms, and lets out her cutest little smile.

"Sure." Harry rolls his eyes.

"Ok, then you guys can come." Liam says, making the final decision.

"Yayy!" The girls squeal.



As we walk through the doors to the interview, I can barely contain my excitement.

"This is gonna be so cool!" I say with a huge smile.

"As if! All we're gonna do is sit around and wait." Lyla scoffs. I shoot her a glare.

Louis leads the way to receptionist, the lady sitting at the desk asks. "Are you here for the interview? One Direction, right?"

"That's right." Liam says.

"Floor 11."

"Thanks." We load into the elevator as Louis hits the number '11' on the wall.

"What do they ask you, you know, in the interviews?" I am honestly curious about what were they being interviewed for.

"They usually ask about rumors that go around, seeing if they're real or not." Liam responds.

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