Chapter 47: Long Awaited

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posted: 7/1/15

AN: hello! we're so sorry, guys. it's been hectic. but this story is soon coming to an end :(( this is the chapter that starts the event for the climax SOOO OWMSHDJWKJDJXJEIDKJSJDJEJEJDJDJJEJDJDJSJ


we're excited for it to be done and finished, but also very sad.


because ri will be here in 1 day 14 hours and 39 minutes.

xoxo, us

"Beware of the heartless, who make your heart beat quickly. They're just using your heart, because theirs won't start."
-Rachel Wolchin


My legs swing below me as I wait for the sleek black Range Rover belonging to Harry to pull into the school. I was told specifically the guys would be picking me up today. But seeing as school ended thirty minutes ago and I'm still sitting on a bench outside, I don't see that happening.

I try to entertain myself by throwing leftover crackers from my lunch at a group of pigeons. They jump away slightly as the cracker comes flying at them before realizing it won't hurt them. They slowly begin to trust the cracker not to eat or wound them. As they peck and pry at it, it cracks and turns into a pile of crushed crumbs, unimportant and useless to the human eye, but could be dinner for the small city birds.

I begin to relate the small crumbs to Lyla and myself. The way a small child could simply walk past the crumbs without a single concern or thought on the matter. But then the little grey bird comes along and realizes its substance. The crumb is sussed of its importance, acknowledged and treated with significance.

I avert my eyes from the birds and back to the parking lot, hoping to see the small black card, although I know I won't. Lyla went home with Lizzie today and the boys are supposed to be picking me up for my gymnastics practice, but they are nowhere in sight.

I hear the front doors of the school close and whirl around. One of the ladies who works in the office is walking briskly down the steps, as fast as possible with the heels she's wearing.

She waves when she sees me. "Hi, Olivia! It seems your parents are a bit late, would you like to call them with the office phone?"

I nod and follow her up the steps of the school and into the cold air conditioned building.

"I'm so sorry, the school has been trying to start an after school program for the kids whose parents can't pick them up right after school ends." She continues to blab on until we get to the office, where she shows me the telephone and sits behind the desk.

I dial the number from memory, and press the phone up to my ear, waiting until someone answers.

"Hello?" the very familiar voice of Liam asks.

"Liam! Where are you guys? Did you forget to pick me up?" I whisper angrily into the phone.

"So sorry, Olivia, we're running a little late, we'll be there in about fifteen."

"Fine, but if you're not here by then I'm throwing Lyla on you."

He chuckles before I hang up, but he doesn't know her true power.

I tell the lady behind the desk that I'll wait outside and that they're not far away and that they'll be here soon. I leave the school building by myself and begin to head down the stairs, keeping my eyes on the ground, ready to resume waiting.

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