Chapter 49: Remember, Forget, Lose, Keep

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posted: 8/30/15

AN: buy drag me down on itunes.

xoxo, j + r

"If you have something worth fighting for, then fight for it."


"All right, hon, do you have all your stuff?" asks Lizzie's mom. Her luscious brown locks falling perfectly below her shoulders. I've always liked Lizzie's mom. She would let us get as messy as we'd like and then just spray is down with a hose. Sometimes she'd chase us around the backyard with it. Then we'd come inside, be completely frozen, and she'd draw us a warm bath and bring us hot chocolate in it while we played.

I was a bit jealous of Lizzie for having a mom like that.

The boys are amazing and everything, I couldn't ask for anything more. And I know the babysitters are like our older sisters, more like our moms, but I already have a mom, and I can't help but wish she was better at . . . being a mom, I guess.

But that's why it's just a wish and wishes don't come true. And if they do, it's just because of the way two circumstances cross. Not fate. Not a coincidence. And most certainly, not a granted wish.

"Yeah, I've got it. Thank you! One of the boys should be here soon. I told them to pick me up around eleven," I tell her, caressing the friendship bracelet Lizzie and I made with my free hand that wasn't holding my bag.

Lizzie's mom walks over to the chest of drawers and grabs the landline off of its hook, holding it out to me. "You wanna call him?"

I look towards the door, and back to her hand holding the phone. Right as I'm about to accept her offer, I hear a car pull up in the driveway. "Oh! That must be your ride!" Lizzie says.

I grab her and hug her tightly, getting a grunt in return, but, nevertheless, she hugs me back just as hard. "I'll see you!" I say cheerfully as a knock resonates through the living room coming from the door.

Lizzie's mom opens the door, revealing a rather red-faced Niall. "Hello, ma'am," he greets her.

"Hello," she responds. They share some words whilst Lizzie and I continue to embrace, before her mom gestures over to me, and I join Niall at his side.

"Thank you for having her over," he says to her mom.

"Anytime, the girls love playing together. You have a wonderful daughter," she says, smiling.

I'm about to correct her when Niall says: "Thank you. You do, too."

He kisses the top of my head and gives my back a short rub. We say our final goodbyes and climb into the car.

"How was it?" he asks after a few minutes of driving, not moving his gaze from the windshield.

"It was fun," I comment. Eyeing his suspiciously. Something's off with him, he's just not as. . .perky, maybe? He's simply not himself.

He lets out a nervous chuckle. "What are you looking at me like that for?" he asks.

"What's wrong? You're a bit off today," I say bluntly.

He sighs. "Well, we were gonna try and figure it out before you came back. I'll just tell you when we get home."

"How long have you known me? Do you think I'm the type of person to just sit back and wait for this information?" I monotonously ask.

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