Chapter 39: Kid It Up!

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"Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn't know you left open."
-John Barrymore


"Honey, I'm home!" I yell into the commodious house, only to be met with silence.

I turn around in time to see Olivia waving to Lizzie's mother, informing her we got into the house safely and that she could depart.

"Where is everyone?" She asks, turning to look around the vacant living room.

"Not here,"

"Wow, I hadn't noticed!" She exclaims sarcastically.

"Skylar's car is in the driveway," I say, absentmindedly.

Olivia's eyes go wide as she stares at me, and then a huge smile engulfs her whole face.

"Now, I know spying is wrong and all, but if we were to guess which room she'd be in and accidentally not make a sound as we peek through the door, it wouldn't be spying," Olivia explains innocently.

"Follow me,"

She does as I command and we run up the stairs. I mentally hope that we find her in Harry's room and I know Olivia's is wishing that, too, although I know she's still a bit too traumatized to go in there.

"I'll check the bathrooms, you check Harry's, then our room," she tells me before scurrying off in the opposite direction I was heading down the hallway.

I walk down the never-ending hallway until I come upon Harry's slightly ajar door. I don't hear any sounds inside and there are no lights on, so I slowly open the door just a bit more so that I may get a visual of the band member's room.

I poke my head through and find no one in the bedroom, so I carefully, as well as cautiously, walk through the doorway into the seemingly vacant room. I cautiously peek around the corner in the direction of the bathroom and see a figure. No, two figures.

Two figures.

I nearly break into tears at the sight of Harry and Skylar hugging as though if they let go, the other would be pulled into the underworld, never to be seen again, so they cling tenaciously for dear life.

I quietly creep back out of the bathroom, through the bedroom, and back into the hallway, where I close the door silently and slide down the wall so that I'm in a sitting position.

I can't believe the large, burdensome load that has been lifted off my tired, aching shoulders. I can't count the hours I've spent worried about Harry's happiness and state-of-being.

Before I can put the cart before the horse, Olivia comes racing around the corner like a mouse on roller skates; quiet and speedy.

"What's wrong?" She asks quietly.

"Nothing," I smile, a genuine, content smile. "Let's go make ourselves some food?"

Confusion crosses her features, but when the mention of food processes in her mind, her features brighten and in one swift leap, she's halfway down the stairs.

She's already standing in front of the open refrigerator when I get down, examining our options of things to eat. "All right, well, we have fruit, yogurt-"

"I said food." I groan as loudly as I can manage to stretch my point as I hop up on the counter as I wait for her to find something edible as well as appealing to me.

"Um, well, we have cookies...oh, wait, we're out."

"Move," I push her to the side as my eyes glide along the stocked shelves in the refrigerator. "I swear the boys don't have taste buds, all that's in here is rabbit food," my annoyance increases as I find nothing interesting in the pantry. "We don't even have frozen pot pies!"

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