Chapter 51: Revealed Truths

33 7 36

posted: 10/18/15



did you mean: life ruiners?

ye, j + r

"You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you."

-John Bunyan


It's been a day since the boys officially filed the missing person's report for Olivia. There's still a hole in our family that Olivia used to take up and we are all trying to ignore.

Lyla sits at the counter with a book while I make lunch for all of us. As I try to reach the unopened jar of mayonnaise that is on the very top shelf of the tall cabinet, I stand on my tippy toes and hop, getting nowhere near the jar. I curse my height; I'm not actually that short, but this cabinet was built for humans that are at least 6 feet tall.

I groan in frustration. "Lyla, could you help me with this?" I ask the girl behind me.

She looks up from her book for a few seconds then looks back. "I don't think I'm the person to ask. Ask him." She jabs her thumb in the direction where Louis just walked into the room.

Louis looks at me, confused. "Ask me what?" he questions with a slight smile.

My heart skips a beat, but I pretend not to notice, neither of us have spoken about what happened the other night when Tyler and I broke up. I'm not sure if Louis knows the details of why I showed up to babysit Lyla with tears in my eyes, or if I accidentally revealed the reason why in my miserable state, but he hasn't mentioned a thing.

I blink,coming to my senses. I realize I haven't yet answered Louis.

"Um...I can't reach the mayonnaise." I point to the top shelf.

"'Cause you're so short," Lyla says.

"Taller than you," I retort.

She raises a finger and gives me a death stare. "Listen here, you little sassafras-"

"Okay, that's enough," Louis interrupts her from saying what could've been the largest blow to my ego in years. "Jordan, leave the mayonnaise to me."

He tries reaching for it, standing on his toes and jumping, but nothing works.

Lyla watches with a raised eyebrow, clearly not impressed.

"Who even designed this thing?" Louis spits angrily. Who knew he could get so worked up over mayonnaise?

"We could get a chair to stand on?" I suggest, watching him struggle to reach the shelf.

He glances around, his eyes landing on broom that's always kept near Toby's dog bowl.

He takes hold of the broom as I watch, confused.

"What's that for?" I ask.

He stands next to me, directly under the shelf, and holds the broom up above our heads by the highest shelf that the mayonnaise was sitting on.

"My elongated arm," he answers simply, using the handle of the broom to knock the mayonnaise out of its place.

I look up, just in time to see the jumbo-sized jar fall off of the shelf and land on my forehead.

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