Chapter 42: Too Late

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"Is it too much to ask for something great?"
-One Direction {Something Great}


"We should do this more often," I comment, looking up at the sky as Tyler and I lay on our backs on a blanket, bundled up with about four layers because of the freezing temperature. "I like it, maybe just when it's not so cold."

"I'd be up for doing this more often," says Tyler, "as long as I get to do this." He leans over my body, placing his lips on mine. He hands are on either side of my waist as he he leans over me, half on my side of the blanket whilst he leaves his legs to his side of the blanket. The fire ignites in the base of my stomach that I have been getting used to and come to love. It never burns out. He is my candle that will never run out of wax and I can't be happier about my never-ending flicker of light, guiding me to greatness.

He retracts his lips, leaving me wanting more, which I'm sure he is aware of. "I think I can agree to that," I smirk, "maybe." He leans back down, but because of my playful mood, right before he can connect his lips, I turn my head to the side so that he ends up kissing my cheek.

"You're the worst, you know that?" he asks.

"I'm well aware," I giggle, "but you keep coming back so I can't be that bad." I smirk at him, knowing all-too-well that I have won our small quarrel.

We lie back down and I begin to notice the dark clouds rolling in. "Looks like it's maybe gonna rain, we should get going." I state, beginning to sit up to pack up our things.

He nods and helps me fold the blanket as I grab my purse and phone, before we start to walk hand-in-hand back to the car.

I pull my coconut milk Chapstick out of my bag and swipe it across my upper and bottom lip, before rubbing my lips together as we load into the car and start driving away.

"That smells good." says Tyler, startling me slightly seeing as we had been in a content silence ever since we entered the car.

"Oh, thanks," I answer quietly before I hear my phone buzz. I open it to find a text from Louis saying that he needs me to babysit right now for only about an hour and that he still has my paycheck from last month. I groan.

"What's wrong?"

"Would you mind if we went to the girls' house to babysit for like an hour? Then, I promise we can go back to our date?" I ask, pleading that he won't mind.

"Sure, why not?" He chuckles. This is another reason I like him; he never takes anything too seriously.

"You're amazing," I giggle, leaning over to place a sweet kiss on his cheek.

"So I've been told."



I straighten my shirt for about the umpteenth this evening. I search the layout of the room, checking to see if everything is in place.

The two bowls of spaghetti are perfectly laid out on the nicely set table. The candle flickers with the current of the air being blown out from the heating vents. I don't dim the lights very much seeing as I don't want to come off as creepy, even though I know she knows me well enough to know I'm not creepy.

I managed to get everyone out of the house for my special evening. The girls are going to be sleeping over at their friends' houses. Lyla being at Lizzie's and Olivia being at Kate's. The boys ran off to peruse their own activities, not even bothering to question why I wanted the house to myself. When leaving, Olivia said that Jesus was watching me, to which I laughed nervously and Lyla pretended to bless me with holy water. I don't understand how such young people could have such mature humor; it baffles me to such an extent.

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