Chapter 41: Almost Out

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Hello! Thank you for reading here's Chapter 41!!! 6.7K!


xoxo, Ri and Jules

"Yet it is only love that sets us free."
-Maya Angelou


"Where 'ya going?" Olivia tugs on the sleeves of my sweater as I try to exit through the front door.

"Out," I smile at her. "I'll be home soon."

"But it's your birthday! We even got a cake!"

"Like I said, I'll be back soon."

"Fine. Bye, Harry!" She waves before disappearing around the corner.

"Bye," I laugh at her. I could never understand the ways of eight-year-olds.

I step into my car, turning the key and starting the engine. I turn the corner and begin the familiar route to Skylar's house.

I text her to ask if she is home, her reply being saying that she is without asking why I'm coming over.

About fifteen minutes later, I'm pull up to her flat. I slip on my sunglasses to avoid recognition.

I go up to the door and tap on it twice, patiently waiting for the door to open.

When it does, I can't help but smile at the beautiful brunette across the threshold.

"Um...hi?" She says, unsure of why I'm here. "I was gonna come over later."

"I know. I just wanted to see you now," I spoke honestly, stepping through the doorway without another word. "I brought movies and candy. Can I stay?"

She smiles and rolls her eyes. "Yeah, I guess," she gives in.

I slip off my boots and large coat and leave them on the floor as I join her where she is already watching one of her favorite TV shows, Breaking Bad.

"What movies did you bring?" She sits cris-crossed on the sofa, patting the spot next to her.

"Only your favorites. The Fault in Our Stars, High School Musical, and others," I state putting the first movie into the DVD player. "I'll be completely honest, I've never seen The Fault in Our Stars."

"You are missing out on a whole lotta crying, my friend,"

"Yeah, and I guess I should also tell you, I came by because I've been craving those pills, and it seems that you're the only replacement for them, and I do not want to go to rehab." I told her truthfully.

"How many days has it been?" She lays her hand on my knee, rubbing small circles on it.

I clear my throat, "It's been 12 days."

She leans over and presses her soft lips against my own for a short amount of time. We pull apart and she pinches my cheek.

"I'm proud of you for this."

✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩

Three movies later, Skylar and I are on our way back to the flat.

"We should probably tell them we're dating." Skylar says. "It's been a week."

"Yeah, I have a feeling some of them already know, we're not exactly as secretive as we hoped." I laugh, turning into the driveway.

"Oh, yeah! I got your present!" She opens her purse just as I pull the car to a stop, and hands me a box.

I open the box and see a long necklace necklace, an intricate design displayed across a cross that is attached to the bottom.

I give her a peck on the lips. "Thank you, Sky. I love it."

She laughs as I struggle to unclasp the necklace and place it around my neck, then struggling to undo my seatbelt and get out of the car.

I open the door for her and hold tightly to her hand. I lead her to the front door and open it.

Everyone is in the kitchen, including Jordan, when we enter. When they see us, I notice Lyla looking at us very knowingly.

"Called it!" Niall yells.

"Congratulations!" Jordan says.

"Finally," Olivia attempts to whisper to Lyla, but it ends up coming out very loud.

"We should eat cake," I brush everything they say off my shoulder while I sit down in front of the large cake with the words 'Happy Birthday Harry!' scrawled across it.


"I have good news," I state, running into my partner's cell. "You know my buddy Pete, right?" She nods, continuing to stare at the ceiling as she lays on her back on her cot, seemingly unamused. "Well, he visited me a few days ago."

This seems to spark her attention as she sits up. "That lives across the street?"

"Yeah, and he said he's willing to post a witness report saying he saw someone else placing the stolen items into my car before I was caught by the police for drunk driving." I can't bite back the mischievous smile that pushes its way onto my stone-hard face.

She jumps up and engulfs me into a bear-hug. "That's fantastic!"

"I know and the court date's been set for exactly a week from today; February seventh."

"Wait, so you'll only be charged for a DUI?" she asks, pulling away.

"Yes, I'll find out all the details and such in court," I sigh in contentment. "We're almost out."

She nods, excitedly. "And with your restitution money for being cooped up for the stolen goods, you can post my bail and we'll be out of here for good. And get back those two little kids."

I give a hopefully half-convincing smile as I nod mischievously. I can't believe soon this all will finally be over.

• • • • • • • •

Happy Birthday Harry Styles!! You are legally allowed to drink in the US! That can't possibly be a good thing...

Thanks for reading! Gah! Only a few more chapters left oh wow.

~Julia and Riley (ω)

seriously-riley - riley
julia_genevieve - julia

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