Chapter 9: "The Talk"

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AN: Ok, so yeah, go read, and enjoy, but recently we found out that the chapters are not as long as we thought, apparently most of them are only like two or three pages, which really annoys us!!

Xoxo, r & a

"Forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably."
-James Dean


I wake up on the restroom floor, it isn't actually as uncomfortable as you would think. We have a mat, so I slept on top of that, using two towels; one as a blanket, one as a pillow. I don't want to face everyone, especially Harry, I am still upset with him, that he won't tell me what they were doing. I also don't want to face Lyla, she is going to tell me that I am being stupid and dramatic, but I know I am being dramatic. I don't know why I freaked, I guess I felt like we weren't enough for them, like they needed someone else in their lives to be happy, I thought we had a good system going. I really love them, they have become family. I guess that old saying is right 'The ones you love are the ones that can hurt you the most.'

"I never have to leave. I could live here forever. There's soap to eat. I could marry the luffa." I think to myself. Although, I know I can't hide in here forever. I softly open the door, slowly emerging from the water closet. Luckily there is no one in the hallway. I walk into our room, looking at the clock, it is about seven-thirty. The boys won't be up for a few hours. I know what my goal for today is; get the boys to tell me what was happening. I walk downstairs to get some breakfast, seeing as we skipped dinner last night. I pour myself a bowl of Cheerios and go out onto the back porch to do some thinking. I've always liked just sitting on the lawn chairs and looking at the large field of grass they have in the backyard.

Why were they naked? Why were they making those sounds? It looked disgusting, what they were doing, absolutely putrid. They hardly know each other. What would possess them to do such a thing? I know I am completely drowning in my thoughts because I never even hear the backdoor open.

"Penny for your thoughts." I gasp and jump back a little, startled by the sudden breaking of silence, causing some milk to spill onto my hand.

I am reassured to see it is just Liam. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."

"It's alright, I was just caught up in my thoughts." He hands me the rusted piece of copper he was rolling in his hand. I giggle at his quirkiness, he could always make me smile.

"I'd love to listen."

"I don't know, may I listen?" I ask, handing him back the penny.

He takes it and returns his gaze to the open area. "Harry's pretty dumb."

I can't help but laugh at his comment. I had expected him to give me a whole spiel on how Harry didn't mean to upset me or whatever, but no. "Agreed."

"He's pretty beat up at what you said to him, love." I can't help but feel a bit guilty.


"You said some pretty harsh things."

"No, why did he do, what he did? Do we annoy you guys? Did you just take pity on us when you took us in or did you really like us? Do you feel like we're a responsibly; an anchor to drag you down as you run away, realizing we're chained to your foot? We can't do anything for you in return. You guys are busy people, the last thing you need is two children to look after. Why don't you just throw us on the street, it looks like all we are is a bother." After I asked the first question, it all came out. Is that why I was so upset? Was my body just not telling me all of these things that I had built up? I can tell Liam is astonished as well, because his eyes just widen and look at me as if I had just told him how I killed the Queen of Sweden and gouged her eyes out, showing him the small pouch I kept them it.

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