Chapter 24: Slumber Partay!

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AN: 'ello chaps! So what's ur fav one direction song?! We know, it's like choosing your favorite child, so how bout we break it down?
Favorite in:

Up all night?

Take Me Home?

Midnight Memories?

And very soon we'll add another album to the list!!! WOOOOO!!!!!


Xoxo, Riley & Julia

"Friends are the most important ingredient in this recipe of life."
-Dior Yamasaki


It was strange how London's weather can go from extremely sunny one day, to cold and dark another. Because yesterday was warm, this day decided to be cold.

"Ughh!" I groan as I march into the living room.

"What's with the 'ugh'?" Zayn asks, imitating me, since he was the only other person in the room.

"Look outside! It's raining! And Kate and Lizzie are supposed to be over soon!" I complain. "What are we gonna do?"

"Welcome to London." He says simply.

"I've lived here my entire life, but the weather has never concerned me before now!"

Just then, Lyla and Harry make their way down the steps, arguing, as usual.

"You are such an idiot!" I hear her shout. "What makes you think we would want you at our sleepover? All you would even talk about is Cheyenne, anyway!"

"I would not!" He yells, crossing his arms, indignantly. "All I'm asking is to hang out with you guys!"

"I wouldn't mind!" I call to them, Lyla gives me a sour look.

She folds her arms across her chest and glares at him, tapping her foot, thinking. "Okay," she sighs, "you can stay...but," she adds as she sees his face light up, "only if Kate and Lizzie say it's okay!"

"Yay! Thank you, Marshmallow!" He embraces her in a tight hug, lifting her off of the floor, and not letting go, despite her protests.

"Yeah, whatever." She mutters, still wrapped in his arms. "Lizzie just called, she'll be here in about five minutes." She directs to me.

"Great!" I exclaim, enthusiastically.

Whilst Lyla and Harry are tussling, Lyla still trying to get out of his grip, I hear the doorbell ring.

I rush to answer it. As I open the door I make sure to plaster a polite smile on my face, as I do whenever I answer the door. It is Kate.

"Olivia!" She squeals, hopping through the doorway. "I was afraid we had the wrong place! This is where you live?! It's ginormous!" Her eyes widen at the sight of the large entryway.

"Yep!" I hug her, excitedly. "Welcome!"

"Oh, and by the way, hey, babe!" She turns to me, lifting her finger before taping it lightly on the tip of my nose.

"Hello, love!" I repeat the action to her, as we always do whenever we see each other.

I notice the two people on either side of her.

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