Chapter 46: Turn of Events

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posted: 5/11/15

AN: all character development is over with and all that's left is the climax, falling action, and the resolution!!

SAD. :((

we don't want this book to be done!

but we're so excited for our other books so we kinda want to be done with this one but WERE NOT READY TO LEAVE OUR LITTLE GIRLS!!

xo, j + r

"The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies. It comes from friends and loved ones."


I patiently wait for someone to be sat on the chair behind the thick glass.

I stare at the floor, grinding my teeth at the multiple sets of eyes on me belonging to the officers close by.

The movement on the other side of the glass catches my eye. A women in a gray jumpsuit sits across from me, smirking. She holds the wall phone up to her ear.

"How's life outside?" Her voice comes sarcastic and muffled through the speaker.

It's been around a week and a half since I was let out. "It's good. I've set myself up in a garage a little bit outside the city. How about in here?"

"Gross, but T.K. got in a fight with a guard and the guard ended up apologizing," she tells me.

We go on talking for a bit about what we've been doing. She explains how all the cells got "redecorated." This only means they rearranged where the beds and nightstands go and maybe added a carpet or lamp.

I tell her about my trial and how I decorated the garage I'm living in.

She compliments me on my clear shaven face and I thank her. We make small talk about our lives for another half and hour and I revel in it, knowing it will be the last time I talk to her.

"I can't wait to get out of here and smell the clean and free air," she comments. "We'll be out of here and living somewhere new. We'll get another fresh start."

I am unable to respond because I don't know how to tell her. "So when are you going to post my bail?" she asks.

"About that. . ." I begin.

"If you're thinking about pushing it back or something, you can think again. I've been dreaming of getting out of here and moving to Paris since the day your trail was scheduled," she says.

"Well, I'm not pushing it back."

"Damn right."

"I'm just not doing it," I tell her.

She throws her head back in a short laugh before saying: "Ha! You've got to be fucking joking with me, right? I'm your fucking partner. We've been doing jobs together for ten years now! You can't just fucking duck out on me!"

"Well, that's exactly what I'm doing."

She continues to yell at me. "This wasn't the fucking plan! You were supposed to use the money from your fucking restitution to post my bail, and then we were gonna flee the country before they found out about-" I cut her off.

"Well it's too late for that. I'll fix that. I'm going to get them back and I know exactly how I'm gonna do it," I say.

"You can't fucking do it without me! We went into this together, and we'll be fucking getting out of this together whether you like it or not!" she screams at me.

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