Chapter 34: The Difference of Past and Present

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Another thing at hand is that it is Christmas Eve, sooo Merry Christmas Eve! There will be a double update tonight, sooo YAYYY!!!

And o. my. gosh. ok, so guys, we were looking through our old authors' notes and here's what we found:

Chapter 21: 1K
Chapter 23: 1.5K
Chapter 25: 1.9K
Chapter 28: 2.8K
Chapter 34: 4.2K!!!!!!

We can't tell you guys how thankful we are for you, we love you all so much, thank you for supporting our dreams! .xx


Xoxo, Julesy + Ribread

"Sometimes we need to forget some people from our past, because of one simple reason; they just don't belong in our future."


I let out a sigh of boredom as I slump on the kitchen counter, watching Jordan make dinner for the three of us. Skylar had a shift at Madison's so she wasn't able to come and watch us. It's a shame, really, I've missed her these past few days.

"Jordan, why is Harry so grumpy and sad lately?" Olivia asks, twiddling her fingers around the Play-Doh we were occupying ourselves with. I can't say I haven't been thinking the same thing, because it has certainly crossed my mind. The deep dimples forever engraved onto his cheeks have not made an appearance in days, and I am growing to miss them.

I'm not exactly sure why his smile has faded, and it makes me doleful to think about, but I can't let that show.

"I'm not exactly sure what put Harry in this depressed mood. Truthfully, I've just been waiting for him to snap out of it. It's strange, really. He's usually just living the life of Riley." Jordan responds, chopping up the vegetables for the soup she was making.

"What the heck does that mean?" I inquire.

"It's just an expression, like being carefree and such." She answers.

"What a dumb name: Riley," I spit, "Who would name their kid that, it's just gross!"

"The one that really bugs me is Julia. Like, it sounds like you were saying Juliette, but stopped in the middle and forgot. And then there is Julian, Julie, Juliana, so why would you go with Julia, I just don't get it." Olivia goes off on her rant.

"I happen to like those names, personally." Jordan comments, always being the positive one, the optimist.

Optimism is stupid, in my opinion. When all signs say that something will go wrong, what is the point in insisting that it is going to go right? It's false hope is what is is. I've never been one for hope, either, it's useless.

As Jordan continues to prepare a lovely and delicious looking dinner, I hear a key in the front door, jiggling around in hopes that the door will unlatch. I turn my attention to the fumbling man who enters the house, stuffing his keys into his jacket pocket, where there seems to be something else occupying the space, but I can't seem to discern the object.

"Hey, Harry! Where have you been, and why are you home so early?" Olivia pesters, jumping up from her seat in animation. Sometimes it bothers me how hyper and happy she is all the time, sometimes I just want her to take a long nap.

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