Chapter 23: A Surprise Visit!

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AN: ok, so guys, this is a bit of a filler chapter, buuutttt

"It's gonna come in slowly and then all at once....."
-kinda/sorta Augustus Waters 😂
(Sorry we couldn't help it, it just sets up the next few chapters to well!!)



Xoxo, us

"Family isn't always blood. It's the people in your life who want you in theirs; the ones who accept you for you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile and who love you no matter what."


"Lyla!" Olivia giggles as I splash her with water. "Stop!"

Today, Skylar and Jordan have joined us at the pool, the lads were here, but the babysitters usually come around to spend time with us, even if they weren't needed, which made me happy.

I continue to splash Olivia with the cold water while she struggles to swim away, squealing simultaneously.

"Okay, girls," Jordan laughs, "I think that's enough of the pool today. You two have gotten a bit of sun."

I glance at Olivia's face, tinted pink, I knew mine probably looks the same, and will be red by morning. I climb out of the pool ahead of Olivia and quickly grab my towel, burying my face in its plush softness.

After drying off, the four of us enter the house through the sliding glass doors.

Liam and Zayn were in the kitchen, Zayn was preparing food, while Liam was sitting at the counter on his cellphone.

"Wait, girls, stop right there." Liam holds up his phone, snapping a picture of Olive and I wrapped up in our towels.

I rush to his side and peer over his shoulder. "What are you doing?"

"Instagram." He replies, he was currently captioning the photo;

'Fun in the pool! But now I guess I have to feed them...'

"What is that?" Olivia joins me in looking over his shoulder.

"And I believe that caption is foretelling the future, because, yes, you do have to feed us." I add.

He sighs at my comment, he turns to Olivia to answer. "It's a way to share pictures, we use it for fans to see what we're up to, that, and Twitter. Look! You two already have so many likes!"

I wrinkle my nose at the mention of Twitter, I could remember Harry and all the horrendous lies the so-called 'fans' were saying about him, he looked so heartbroken...

"What's with the face?" Olivia questions me.

"I'm not a fan of that 'Twitter' thing." I say sourly, making air quotations around the word Twitter.

"Why?" Skylar asks quizzically.

"It's full of lies!" I spit.

Just then, Harry, Niall, and Louis walk down the stairs. Great timing, Harold.

"How would you know?" Louis laughs, he must've overheard the conversation from upstairs. One thing I've noticed about this house was how anyone's voices ring throughout it, very loudly, if I may add.

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