Chapter 27: A Day On The Town

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AN: HELLO READERS!! It's Ribread(the co-writer)! So Julia and I decided to switch off on the authors notes for every chapter! Sooo you're gonna be seeing or reading a lot more of me! Oh, and Jules wrote a poem and then yeah, it's Gouda, like the cheese. You should go read it, it's like half a page, or like vote for it. Anyways, without further ado...HERES 27!

OH! And my second fav fanfic is:

24 Hours by fivesaucewhoop


Xoxo, Ribread

"FAMILY. Where life begins, and love never ends."


"Niall!" I exclaim as he pushes the front door open, the chilly air gusting through the house as Lyla attacked him with a large hug.

"Hey, girls," He laughs, quite used to our routine whenever one of the lads return from an outing. "Whatcha two been up to?"

"Nothing! We're bored!" Lyla whines, unwrapping her arms from around Niall's neck, where she was clinging, so I could do the same.

"Bored? Well we can't have that!" He sets me onto the floor. "Who else is here?"

"Just Liam." I reply, skipping around him as he removed his coat, hanging it in the closet. After doing so he leads the way into the family room, Lyla and I following him like small kittens.

"Liam! How could you let them get bored?!" Niall shouts when he sees Liam sitting at the counter.

"They never said anything about being bored!" He sets his phone down where I notice it was open to some sort of app, blue-themed. Probably that Twitter thing.

Lyla runs over and snatches it off the counter, having to stand on her tippy-toes to reach it.

"Lyla? What are you doing?" Liam asks. "Are you tweeting?" He lets out a snort-like laugh. She giggles as he starts to chase her around the kitchen counter.

"What are you typing?" I interrogate, seeing as she was creating words using the keyboard as she ran.

"There we go!" She announces triumphantly, completely stopping, almost causing Liam to trip over her.

He takes the phone from her hands, reading whatever she wrote aloud. "'I'm stupid.' Really Lyla?"

"Why do you seem so unamused?" She shows a smile.

He glares back at her in response, eyes speaking fully of annoyance, though wonder.

"Good, Lyla!" I tell her, giving her a fist bump as Niall basically dies of laughter beside me.

"Good, Lyla or not, we still have nothing to do, I vote that we ask Twitter." Liam says, already beginning to type something into his phone. "Okay, we got the cinema, any films you girls wanna see?"

Lyla and I shake our heads and I move to see the screen.

"'Liam, please marry me?'" I read one of the tweets aloud. "Your fans are psycho. I mean, who would want to marry this doofus?"

"Wow, thanks Olive." He states monotonously, then continuing to read suggestions. "'Visit me in Italy.' What do you say girls, wanna go to Italy?"

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