Chapter 35: Superman

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AN: Ok, so this chapter wasn't written by either of us, it was actually written by my (Julia's) sister: Madalyn or, as wattpad knows her, marnie2598 ! You should really go check out her fanfic called "The Assistant" Riley and I are in it too so woo! I'm Genevieve and Riley's Annie, so yeah, shoutout to her for writing this 'lil chappie


Xoxo, Julesy + Ribread

"Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort."
-Franklin D. Roosevelt


"So, where are we going that I have to dress like an arctic explorer?" I laugh. Tyler had told me to dress warm, but when he showed up, he told me my simple leather jacket wasn't enough. Luckily, since living in London, I had acquired a decent amount of winter coats, so I just threw on my black one that goes almost to my knees and has a hood with soft lining. Apparently even that wasn't enough, because he made me go put on a long sleeve shirt under my flannel instead of my plain T-shirt. And a hat. And then a scarf. Luckily I was already wearing my motor boots and jeans so he said that was fine.

"Patience is a virtue, young grasshopper," Tyler replies, hiding a smirk.

"First thing you should know about me. I am not a patient person. And, I like to know exactly what's happening at all times so I can know whether or not I need to get out of it." I finish with a smile.

"Well, don't worry. I think you will love it! No need to jump ship." He chuckles.

"You say that now, but I love a good swim." I wink. He just laughs good-naturedly and throws his hand over the center console, lacing his fingers through mine as he calms his laughter. I look down at our hands. I roll my eyes, but bite my lip to contain my smirk and look out the side window, hiding my rosy-red cheeks.

I watch the London scenery flash by us. I love tis part of the city. The lights alive and shadowing the streets. It isn't quite the same in America.

"I grew up in the suburbs in Southern California, and we didn't have sights like this." I marvel aloud, looking up at the clock tower and bridge, illuminated like the rest of its city. London may be kind of muggy and grey at times, but there was this calming serenity it brought when you were able tune out the sounds of a bustling city.

"Yeah, but you guys have sights like the Hollywood sign and PCH. And Disneyland! You have Disneyland!" He laughs.

"Yeah, but it's a different place; a different feel to it." I shrug, not taking my eyes off the sky.

"I get it." His soft tone makes me look away from the window, finding him staring back at me and holding my warm gaze with his before he turns back the road.

I don't move, though. I keep my eyes on him. His curly hair cut short on his head. The stubble along his jawline. The bright green of his eyes, visible from even this position. If I had to pick my favorite thing about his appearance, it wouldn't be his abs or strong arms. Not even the way his defined collarbone could be seen through his long sleeve tee. While I appreciate all of those things, it is his eyes. They are warm and bright and as green as the grass in the boys' backyard. They are gentle and inviting. You feel safe and calm when you look into them. It is amazing that when I first saw him, I had thought his eyes were a crystal blue. They had drawn me in, convincing me I could stare at them for hours and hours and still be able to find new little specks of gold flickering around the iris and fading into thousands of different shades of turquoises and blues; from ice to ocean. It was like I had his eyes memorized before my own had even noticed him standing behind the ticket booth. But the eyes I stare at now aren't the ones I had imagined. They are green. Although they have similar gold coloring in the center, the shade is emerald. No ice or ocean. Jade, pine, forest, sage, lime; but no blue. I think I liked them better than my fantasy's.

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