Chapter 30: Stockholm Syndrome

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AN: HEY PEEPS! It's Ribread again, okay so this is a kinda sorta heartbreaking chappie, PLEASE DONT HATE US! So, Julia and I have planned soooo much for the next ten chapters AND WE NEED TO HAVE IT DONE BY CHRISTMAS! Ughhhhh! So much work! BUT ITS ALL WORTH IT!! ;)



Xoxo, Ribread and Jules

"FAMILY. We may not have it all together, but together we have it all."


I lie lazily across the couch, bored out of my mind. I decide to search the house for Lyla, or anyone for that matter, to entertain me. I pull myself up and walk passed the front door to the game room, where I find Niall and Liam, who had returned form their outings, playing FIFA, a dumb soccer video game.

"I'm bored, will you guys play with me?" I arch my back as I drape myself over the white, comfortable couch.

They don't so much as avert their gaze for a second from the game before responding, "Sorry, not right now." I grunt and trudge my way back into the main living room and up the stairs. I poke my head inside Zayn's room and find him talking to a computer screen.

"Yeah, it's been-" he stops when he sees me. "Oh, Olivia, come here, there's someone I want you to meet!" I walk over to the bed where he is sitting criss-crossed with the laptop in front of him. I climb on and seat myself in his lap and look over to the screen, only to be met with a beautiful blonde woman. I mean, she is gorgeous. Her makeup is a but heavy, but I bet she looks just as pretty without it. Her hair is tied up in a messy bun with hairs sticking out here and there, and she wears a pink tank top and gray sweat pants.

"You're pretty." I whisper, quickly placing my hands over my mouth, realizing I said it aloud.

She blushes and her and Zayn burst out into laughter. "She is." Zayn says.

"Thank you, love, I think you're absolutely adorable!" She giggles. I blush furiously and wait for someone else to speak up so that I don't embarrass myself again.

"Olivia, this is Perrie, my fiancé. Perrie, this is Olivia." Zayn introduces us.

"What's a fiancé?" I ask, utterly confused.

"It means we're engaged." Perrie explains.

"Oh, like he gave you a ring and stuff?" I question.

"Something like that," she giggles.

"Well, it's nice to kinda meet you," I extend my hand, pretending to shake hers and she giggles, before I turn to Zayn. "You never told me you were engaged!"

"I'm a quiet guy." He explains simply.

"Well, sorry, I've gotta run, I have to get ready for the concert tonight. I love you, and Olivia, it's nice to finally kinda meet you, too." She giggles.

"All right, bye, I love you, babe. Rock it!" Zayn says before the call disconnects.

"Why haven't I met her before?" I question.

"She's on tour right now."

"Oh, ok, will you play with me?" I ask, fluttering my lashes furiously.

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