Chapter 33: Again Really?

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AN: short, but important.


Xoxo, Julesy + Ribread

"The shattering of a heart is the loudest quiet ever."
-Carroll Bryant


My stomach is in my shoes.

I can't believe I'm doing this. I take my phone out of my pocket, scrolling through my messages I tap the name I was searching for.

To Cheyenne:

"Hey. We need to talk, meet me at the cafe .xx"

From Cheyenne:

"Alright! I'll be right there, babe! x"

I breath out, slowly and steadily, as I gather my coat, car keys, and sunglasses, checking to make sure the required object was still in my coat pocket. And it was, wrapped in its velvet case.

I climb into my car, turning the key and starting up the ignition, the radio automatically starts up and I hear Coldplay playing softly through the speakers.

'When you love someone, but it goes to waste-'

I immediately shut it off, I would rather sit in silence. How ironic is it that that lyric played? Now I feel even worse.

All too soon, I'm pulling up to the small café, the same one Cheyenne and I spent our first date at.

I shut off the ignition, still sitting inside the car, as if I was trying to hide from something. Why am I doing this again? I wonder inside my head. Because Skylar doesn't want you, remember?

I sigh, opening the car door. I get out, shut the door, then make my way inside the café, one step at a time.

I slip on my sunglasses so no one recognizes me, through I highly doubt anyone would, the few people who ever go to this café were mostly elderly people. No teenage girls in sight.

I walk through the doors, and sit down at a table near the window and wait. Running my hands through my brown curls, I recognize Cheyenne's car as it pulls up nearby, and I feel my hands begin to sweat.

Cheyenne enters the café. Her shiny, red hair falls perfectly over her shoulders as she scans the room, her eyes landing on me.

Her face lights up and she flashes me her toothpaste-ad smile. I stand up and attempt to smile back, pulling up the corners of my mouth ever-so-slightly.

"Hi, babe."She walks up and I kiss her on the cheek. I desperately try to form syllables to return the greeting, but I only manage to mouth the words. "All right?"

I cough and find my hidden voice. "I'm great, you?"

"Lovely." She smiles warmly at me, "So, not that I don't love surprise dates, but what is the meaning for this rendezvous?" I take a deep breath, opening my mouth, but closing it immediately following.

"I-" I'm interrupted, thankfully, by the waitress asking us for our orders. I order for the both us, being the romantic gentleman I am, and also tell her to bring out the chocolate cake that I had told her to prepare over the phone beforehand.

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