Chapter 12: Gymnasts

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AN: sorry, we know that this chapter is short, but we got blocked writing it, so we figured instead of making then wait twenty more days just to make it longer, just update it now, so here it is!

Xoxo, ya know ;)

"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars."
-Les Brown


"I'm so excited!" I leap out of the car. "Thank you sooo much!"

"You're welcome, Olive." Zayn smiles down at me, putting hand on my shoulder.

"Let's go, shall we?" Louis gets out of the drivers seat.

"The sooner we go, the sooner we get food, so let's go!" Lyla leads the way into the building.

The guys had come through with their promise, and they've signed me up for gymnastics. Today was my first day, I was jumping up and down with excitement.

"Hello." The young lady inside greeted us. "You must be Olivia and her family, nice to meet you I'm Emma Carlson, but you can call me Miss Emma."

"Hello, yes, we are Olivia's family," Liam says, "and we take it this is South London Gymnastics?"

I smiled when he said the word 'family', that means they think of us as they're own, and not just two little girls they just happened to find on the street, which is exactly what we are, but in their eyes we were more, just like how they were in ours. I look over to Lyla, she also had a grin on her face, and I could tell she was thinking the exact same thing.

"Yes it is! Now, which one of you cuties are Olivia?" She asks Lyla and I, leaning down to our height.

"That would be me,"I step forward, plastering a polite smile on my face, "I'm Olivia."

"Hello, Olivia, nice to meet you! We have a few papers for your big brothers to sign, then we can get started!"

"Okay!" I laugh at the fact she called them that.

The room wasn't completely empty, there were a few parents and older kids, probably waiting for their children to finish, and some of the people had come up to the boys.

"Hi, aren't you One Direction?" A girl about 12 asks Harry, who nods. "Holy cow! I'm such a big fan, could I get a picture?!"

"Who would want a picture with Harry?" Lyla mutters under her breath, only loud enough for me to hear. I chuckle at her dry sense of humor.

"Of course." Niall says.

After they took the picture, Liam signed a few papers.

"We'll see you at 4!" Louis waves.

"Okay! Ready to have fun?!" Miss Emma asks me.

"Yes!" I cheer as she leads me into a huge room full of mats and balance beams, there was even a huge trampoline in the back, with young girls doing cartwheels nearby. She walks up to another young lady, with short chocolate brown hair pulled into a braid.

"Okay, Olivia," Miss Emma begins, "this is Miss Lily."

"Hello, are you the new girl!?" Miss Lily asks me.

I nod. "Yeah, I'm Olivia, but my sister gave me the nickname Olive, so you can call me that, if you want!"

Surprisingly enough, I wasn't nervous or shy, just like how I wasn't nervous the first time I met the guys, all those months ago.

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