Chapter 44: A Different Point of View

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"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none."
-William Shakespeare


"How much longer?" Kate whines as she shivers outside in the cold.

"You can come in now," I yell from the back porch as I watch her run back towards the house, completing her dare as we had been playing truth-or-dare for the last half hour or so. "It's too cold out here for me to be mean and make you go longer."

We walk back in and crawl back into our large fort crafted out of pillows, blankets, and chairs, where our fingertips slowly defrost. "I'm thinking hot chocolate."

"We wouldn't be friends if you were thinking anything else," I say, whilst she jumps up and runs into the kitchen. She climbs up on the counter and pulls out some small artificial packets of powdered chocolate.


In all honesty, I don't fancy marshmallows, but I act like I do just so I can irk Lyla. "Why not?"

Minutes later, we're sitting underneath the fortress we made of pillows and sheets, watching Frozen on the computer in front of us, drinking our hot cocoa happily.

It's late at night when car headlights shine through the window.

"Who's that?" I ask Kate, knowing that it's not one of the guys here to pick me up since I'm staying the night and that it's not her parents, they went to bed hours ago.

Kate smiles menacingly as she peeks her head over the windowsill. "Yes!" she cheers before she hops up to go into the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

I have no choice but to follow her outside into the cold in only my pajamas.

"What are we doing?" I ask only to be ignored again as Kate rounds to the other side of the car that just pulled up - a junky silver pickup truck with dents here and there - she gestures for me to follow.

Once I'm crouched next to her, Kate throws open the door on the passenger's side and I see her sister, Carolyn and her boyfriend, who I've met before but can't recall his name, with their faces pressed together in a kiss. Kate takes no time in drenching the unsuspecting couple.

They jump away from each other, then turn to the two of us with angry glares.

"Kate, what the hell?!" Carolyn screeches.

"Hey! Language!" I say between giggles.

"At least it wasn't saliva," Kate points out.

Carolyn groans and we slam the door shut.


I shift from foot to foot as I await the security guards that are to escort me safely into the courtroom. My hand cuffs clank annoyingly as one police officer stands by my side, guarding me until the other security officers come.

There are so many - too many - possible outcomes of this court hearing; everything could go swimmingly, with me getting released with restitution money for the excess time spent in prison or they could crack Pete, one of my old partners that has never been pressed with charges and is a computer hacker, and find out I'm living under a false identity, uncovering all the criminal activities I've never been charger with, as well as arresting Pete for false testimony.

My mind is so drowned in my anxiety that I don't notice my escorts, two members of the security firm that have a contract to serve the court, arrive and begin leading me to the doors to the courtroom. I notice a bailiff standing with an emotionless expression painted across his face waiting stoically beside the doors.

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