Chapter 8: What Just Happened?

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AN: But, seriously, this chapter! *gasp*

Xx, R + a

"Eventually, everything falls into place. Until then, laugh at the confusion, live for the moments, and know everything happens for a reason."
-Albert Schweitzer


It's been about a month or so since the whole 'tying up the babysitters' fiasco, we still haven't heard from mom, yet. I wasn't scared, like I thought I'd be. I was worried, but I was enjoying staying with the boys, they were like big brothers to me, the kind that you play and bicker with, but are really protective and annoying because they are in charge of you. We've gotten really close with Jordan and Skylar, they were with us about 4 days a week, sometimes more, they've kind of become big sisters to us, but more fun. Though, they were still annoying, they stopped treating us like toddlers. They've been really helpful, too, it's nice to have girl time when you're living with five boys.

I headed downstairs because I heard the boys' voices, they had an interview, and Lyla begged for the girls to come, seeing as how boring she thought they were.

"Hey, guys! How'd it go?" I ask running down the staircase.

"Fine." Harry responds, sitting on the couch and turning on the T.V.

"I'm starving! When are we going to have dinner?" Niall complains.

"It's only like five. How can you be hungry?" Liam responds, checking his watch.

"I skipped my pre dinner time snack so, start cooking, Curly!"

"What are we having?" Lyla asks, walking over to us.

"Let's have tacos!" I yell excitedly.

"We don't have things for tacos." Louis responds.

"Then let's go grocery shopping! Hey! Can Skylar and Jordan stay?" I ask clinging to Skylar's arm.

"Ok, we'll go shopping. Do you girls want to stay for dinner?" Liam replies.

"Sure! We'd love to!" Jordan responds, giving me a hug.

"Can we come shopping? Pleeease!" Lyla begs to Liam.

"Girls, I don't think so, you know, paparazzi and stuff."

"Please! The girls can just come, we'll walk in separately, you guys never get the right stuff!" I plead.

"Ok, come on guys!"

"I'm staying! My show's about to start!" Harry calls, not looking away for the screen.

"Well, someone's got to watch Harry." Louis says.

"Skylar can stay and Jordan can come to the store with us." Lyla explains.

"Ok, let's go!"


"Ok, guys start unpacking the food, Olivia, will you go get Harry and tell him to come down to start cooking?" Niall asks me.

"Sure!" I run upstairs to go find Harry, I walk down the hallway before turning to open his door and then I saw them, through the mirror on the wall, on the bed...

I was stunned, I didn't know what was happening, they were all over each other, they weren't even wearing clothes. How disgusting! I was running away as fast as I could until I realized my feet weren't moving, I couldn't remove my gaze from them, either, no matter how hard I tried. I wanted to plug my ears, so I couldn't hear their strange, disturbing noises. After a few minutes of being frozen, my body felt like it was pumped with caffeine.

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