Chapter 36: Bloody Knuckles

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AN: alright, soooooo we're almost to 5k and we love you all like AHHHH A LOT!! We're currently at 4.84K! Alright, sorry it's short, but yeah, alright, have fun, and a happy new year!

sorry this is SOOO super short.


Xoxo, J&R

"If you're going to get in trouble for hitting someone, might as well hit them hard."
-Harry Styles


"All right, class!" Mr. Lester says as the bell rings, signaling recess has begun. "Recess!"

I exit the classroom and meet up with Olivia in the hall.

"Hey," I say, starting to walk beside her.

"Hi, I need to go to the library, I have a project, but I'll see you later!" She waves and leaves me alone.

I feel irritable today, more than most days. Lizzie isn't here today, neither are my other friends. Daniel is nowhere to be found. So, I'm all by myself.

Harry and I still aren't speaking to each other, since the fight about Cheyenne and my running off, and neither one of us are magnanimous enough people to forgive the other.

I hold my head high as I walk through the hallway on my way to the field.

It is a surprise to me when a larger person shuffles in front of me, blocking my path.

"Excuse me." I murmur, most definitely not in the mood for speaking to anyone.

"Hey, aren't you one of the girls that lives with that stupid boy band." One of the most irking voices I've ever heard speaks.

I glance up at their face, a boy older than me, probably a fifth year, scowls back and I'm instantly annoyed.

"Hi, and no, I think you might be thinking of the wrong person." I tell him, as sweetly as possible seeing as he was getting on my nerves and I have been warned more than once at school to use adequate manners, and I try to move past him.

"No, I don't think I am." The boy says, attempting to block my path again and I see that he is accompanied by two other boys the same age as him.

They had formed a small triangle around me, but I wasn't afraid, my mother had told me that you don't show fear.

"Can you please move?" I groan, thoroughly angered by their behavior.

"Nope." He smirks, almost causing hot air to spew out of my ears like in the cartoons.

"You shouldn't be harassing a small, innocent girl."

"What are you gonna do about it?" He laughs, whilst his friends mimic his actions.

That statement. So many memories flash into my mind.


"Daddy! Please? Don't!" I sobbed as he raised his hand to strike it across my cheek. "Stop!" I brought my knees up to my chest to shield my small body.

"What are you gonna do about it?" His breath stank of the alcohol he had consumed just moments before. "Are you gonna make me, you little piece of shit?"


"Nothing," I state, trying to push the thoughts out of my mind. "Just leave me alone."

"No." Another one of his stupid smirks appears on his face, glancing over to his friends he says, "Those guys are only famous for their looks, that's the only way. Their voices suck, especially Harry's, yet he can get all the girls he wants, and that doesn't stop him from using them."

I clench my fist into a ball, trying to control my anger, but to no avail when the boy leans down to my height and whispers something into my ear.

"So how many girls has Harry brought home this week? It's ok, you can tell me."

That's when I lost it. Overcome by anger, I shut my eyes tightly and my arm shot out, blindly hitting the kid in the face.

I feel a sort of satisfaction when I hear him gasp in pain. I open my eyes to see a small trickle of thick, red liquid coming from his nose, which his hand immediately shot up to wipe away.


He and his friends stood there, shocked, even I was a bit shocked myself.

I've never fought back. Not physically, at least.

That was when a teacher poked their head out of their classroom and took a look at the scene before them.

She flashes me a very angry face and yells, "You, headmaster's office! Now!"

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