Chapter 10: Too Cool For School

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Xoxo, r & a

"The difference between school and life? In school, you're taught a lesson then given a test. In life, you're given a test that teaches you a lesson."
-Tom Bodett


I couldn't fall asleep. I was just laying here in bed. I went on Twitter, since I knew I wasn't going to sleep anytime soon. Big mistake. As soon as I went on, I saw all kinds of hate. I hadn't been on Twitter in a long time, not since the interview, which was most of what everyone was talking about. I read things such as:

"Oh, those kids are going to grow up and be strippers and whores, all because they've been around @harry_styles too long."


"@harry_styles I'm sure once you're done giving them their baby bottle of vodka, you'll go and sleep with their mom."

That dug deep. I know I shouldn't have kept reading the comments, but I did.

"petition to have @harry_styles removed from @onedirection They don't need a diseased whore with them all the time"

"@harry_styles 410 girls? Are you serious? What a heartless bastard you are!"

That's when I had to stop. Why would people think of me that way? Then, I thought of what Olivia said to me.

"Get away from me, you perverted freak!"

If she could think of me that way, someone that actually did know me, maybe the public was right.

I went downstairs, to get a glass of water. When I closed the fridge and turned around, I nearly jumped out of my skin, because standing right in front of me, was none other than Lyla holding my phone in her hand, which was open to the comments on Twitter.

"Calm it, Curly, it's just me." She said in her usual mocking tone, but then it shifted into a more delicate and sympathetic melody. "They don't know you, you shouldn't care about what they say."

"I know, it doesn't hurt, really, I don't care." I lied, trying my best to sound nonchalant.

"I know that's not true." She was right, I hadn't even realized that a tear had somehow forced its way out of my eye until she came to wipe the salty drop from my creek. "Don't worry. Be happy." She whispered in my ear, I couldn't help but smile, she was pretty cute sometimes.

"Easier said than done." I now felt like a wimp. Her dad was arrested in jail, as was her mom, and I was this baby crying to a seven-year-old because someone hurt my feelings. "I'm sorry, I know this is kinda pathetic."

"It's ok," she sniffled, although she tried to hide it. "I know what it's like to have someone you care about say bad things to you." How did she know I was upset about Olivia?

"Olivia said mean things to you?"

"No, it was mostly our parents. No matter how many times you say to yourself 'They're wrong. That's not true. I'm better than what they say.', you can't help but think, 'but I love you, you know about me, you should know that I'm not these things'. That's when it really throws your self esteem off a cliff." I swear, this girl was psychic.

"You know so much for a seven-year-old." I giggle at her.

"Hey, you're the one raising this seven-year-old," I never thought of that. "well, with some help." She smirked.

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