Chapter 25: But How I Wish It Could

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AN: so guys, sorry for the late update, but we were just really busy this past week, but don't worry, we already planned out the rest of the chapters up to 34, and what's gonna happen soooooooo :)


The gif is of Jojo

Anyways, we give you 25!!


Xoxo, Riley & Julia

"Sometimes, all it takes to make my day is a glimpse from you."
-Nonay Mesui


'Crap. I have no idea how to do this,' I think while I stare back at the two girls sitting opposite of me on the floor.

"So..." Lyla drones.

"So..." I repeat.

"So..." Olivia giggles, unable to keep a straight face.

Unable to take it anymore, I leap up, heading towards the telephone.

I immediately press the speed dial and after a few rings, someone picks up the phone, "Hello?"

"I can't do this, Jordan," I whisper so Olivia and Lyla can't hear me, although they had switched on the telly to Adventure Time.

"Explain, please?"

"The girls!" I exclaim, a little louder than before, causing the two to turn their heads in my direction, then turning back to their show. "The lads left me to take care of them! Niall and Liam have a meeting with management, Zayn has gone out with someone he didn't say, and Harry is with Cheyenne! I can't take care of children! Why'd they do that?" I finish with an exasperated sigh.

"Don't you have younger sisters?" Jordan questions.

"Yes, but my mum never trusted me enough to leave them alone with me!"

"Well then, we got ourselves a predicament." She giggles. "I'll be right over."

"Thanks, love!" I then slam the phone back onto its base, hanging up.

"Who was that?" Olivia pesters as I plop down beside her on the floor, beginning to watch the opening theme of Adventure Time with them.

"Jordan. Her and Skylar will be over soon," I say.

"Good, because you have no clue how to entertain children," Lyla speaks, her voice dry as it usually is.

"That isn't completely true," I object. I know how to talk to babies, just now I can't be bothered. "I'm just . . . I don't know, I'm tired!"

"Great excuse."

A few minutes later, the doorbell was ringing.

"I'll be right back!" I tell the girls, who haven't removed their eyes from the television's screen. Toby follows, barking at the door whilst I open it to see Jordan.

"Hey!" she greets me, stepping through the doorway.

"Where's Skylar?" I ask as she takes her coat off, hanging it in the coat room juxtapose the front door.

"Her brother's in town, so it's just gonna be me for awhile. Is that okay?" She raises an eyebrow in question, before continuing to the living room.

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