Chapter 26: Half a Heart

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"Love can sometimes be magic, but magic can sometimes, just be an illusion."


I love her.

I just know it, my heart has been torn in two pieces, two completely even, consistent, symmetrical pieces.

And I wish it wasn't.

Why couldn't I just choose one of them and continue on with my life, happily? I know I love her, but I love Cheyenne too.

I must be a complete ass. I'm sitting in my bedroom, sulking, thinking about which girl I should pick to make myself happy? Yes, I am.

One half of my heart is telling me to pick Cheyenne, telling me that Skylar was just another one of those "one-night-stands" or whatever you would like to call it.

The other side of it all, the side shouting at me to choose Skylar, saying that Cheyenne was someone I used to replace Skylar, since I missed her.

I hope neither of those are true.

My brain is teeming with thoughts like these, truth be told, it was giving me a headache. 'I need advice.' The thought speaks out among the rest of the chaos. 'Others don't deserve to hear about this stupid mess you got yourself into, Harry.' I tell myself. I think I'm going mad. At least I'm not saying all this aloud.

I continue to argue with myself inside my brain while I hear a small someone sneak up behind me.

"BOO!" The person shrieks, causing me to jump slightly because of the volume, although I heard her coming.

"Geez, Lyla, don't do that!" I run my hand through my curls nervously, my relentless habit.

She giggles, covering her face while doing so, her small shoulders bouncing up and down with every beautiful chuckle.

I roll my eyes at her, even though her amusement made the corners of my mouth pull up slightly.

"What's up?" She questions, plopping herself on my bed, across from me, sitting on my chair at my mahogany desk.

"Nothing, really," I respond, twirling my desk chair around to face her, "just... thinking." I let out a much needed sigh, describing my exact feelings.


"Big-kid stuff." I answer, hoping that will cease her questioning.

She raises an eyebrow, obviously not buying it. "Don't mess with me, Curly. Everyone knows you're not really a 'big kid'."

I shrug, it was worth a shot. However, I wasn't in the mood for sharing my feelings, the lads don't even know, I put on a happy face around them, try and act like my normal self. Surprisingly, they haven't seen through it.

"I'm gonna ask you again, okay?" She says slowly, almost as if she was speaking to a toddler. "What's up?"

"I-uh-I was thinking about the new album coming out soon!" I lie, I didn't want to tell anybody about my problem, yet.

She studies my face, I know she knows I'm lying, but she doesn't show it. I feel like she's already memorized all my emotions and facial expressions, as well as the rest of the lads and perhaps the babysitters, too.

The babysitters. Skylar. Shit, I had finally stopped thinking about her...

"Ah, yes." Lyla says, almost mockingly, she's probably trying to tease me for lying to her. "What's it called again? Three or something?"

"FOUR." I answer, trying to dismiss the sound of her voice.

Olivia wanders though the door Lyla had left open, her tiny feet making almost no sound at all on the soft carpet floors, though leaving a silhouette of her perfectly carved toes, engraving to my floor.

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