Chapter 13: I Like It Here

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AN: this chappie is pretty cute! Thank you to everyone who is reading! We hope you like it, well, we guess you do or you wouldn't be reading this!

Xo, us

Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten."
-Lilo and Stitch


It was Saturday, the day of Daniel's birthday party. Liam was trying to herd everyone to the van, without success.

"Okay, Lyla? You got the gift? Olivia you have your sweater?" Liam rambles.

"Yes, Mum." I sigh, sarcastically. "Stop worrying."

"I'm just trying to get everyone into the car!"

The rest of the guys were sprawled out on the couch, watching a 'Masterchef' marathon.

"I got this." I assure Liam, before turning to the rest of the guys, "HEY!" I scream, earning their attention, "I don't want to be late! So if you, lazybones, can get your butts of the sofa, that'd be lovely!"

"Uh-okay..." Louis says, somewhat scared, getting off the couch along with the other guys.

"Good job, Lyles." Liam knuckle bumps me. "Alright, lads, girls, let's get going!"

And, a few moments later, we're all squeezed into the van, Liam in the drivers seat, with Niall sitting next to him, then Harry and Zayn, and Louis with Olivia and I in the back.

"Okay, so where does this kid live?" Louis asks, getting out his cellphone to put the address into the GPS.

I tell him the address, and about fifteen minutes later, we pull into the driveway of a medium sized white house.

"This must be the place, there are balloons on the fence." Olivia points out.

"Okay, then, here we are." Liam says as we all get out of the car.

"LYLA! OLIVIA!" Daniel runs out of the house. "You're here!"

"In the flesh!" I jump up and down in excitement.

I look over to the guys, who all have their mouths open.

"Glad you could make it!"

"This is Daniel." Olivia introduces them. "Daniel, this is Harry, Liam, Zayn, Niall, and Louis."

"Hello, we're Lyla and Olivia's guardians." Harry says shooting a look in my direction.

"Your One Direction, right?!" Daniel asks.


"My sister is a huge fan of you guys!"

By this time, a lady had come out of the house behind the boy.

"Hello, I'm Mrs. Finch, so glad you could come today." She says in a motherly voice, giving the guys a smile.

The guys introduce themselves to Mrs. Finch, who then led us into the house.

"Help yourselves to the food." She gestures to the spread across the table.

"Don't mind if I do." Niall and I try to reach for some chips, but then we were yanked back by our shoulders by Louis.

"Could you excuse us? These girls don't know how to behave at somebody else's house, it's their first time." He says politely, smiling at Mrs. Finch.

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