Chapter 15: I'm Outta Here!

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AN: WOAH! Two updates in one day!

THE PIC IS OF CHEYENNE!!!! (but you don't know who that is.....yet)

Xo, r and a

"Be nice to everyone, always smile and appreciate things because it could all be gone tomorrow."
-Ed Sheeran


"Guys, I'd like to introduce you to Cheyenne." Harry gestures, as he and some random girl walk through the front door and into the living room where we were all gathered.

Her hair was ginger, like mine, though had more of an orange tint to it rather than red.

"Who the heck are you?" I spit at her. Okay, I'll admit, that was a little childish of me, but what do you expect? I am a child! I just couldn't help but hate her.

"Language, Olive!" Liam scolds me. Yeah, like I haven't heard him cuss before.

"And attitude." Louis adds. "I'm sorry, who are you, love?"

Why were they all being so nice?! It's driving me nuts!

"It's quite alright, I'm Cheyenne. Thompson, Cheyenne Thompson. I'm sorry, I'm bad with first impressions."

"You're better than Curly." Lyla remarks. What the heck? She's never nice. Never. I mean, never. You know her, did they know something I don't?

I glare at her, to which she responds with a nod of the head, this is part of our unspoken code which means "Kill 'em with kindness" which I'm usually a lot better at than she is. But I got the message, we did need to give her the benefit of the doubt, we don't even know who she is. She could just be a friend, or maybe another babysitter, or something. 'Stop jumping to conclusions, Olivia' I scolded myself.

"Lads, and girls, this is my new girlfriend."

Okay, remember that whole thing where I was disappointed in myself for being so cold to her, well now I'm happy with myself that I hated her off the bat.

"Cheyenne, this is Louis, Niall, Liam, Zayn." Harry pauses, pointing to each of them. "And these are the girls; Lyla, the one I warned you about, and Olivia, the sweet, most of the time, one." He finished, earning steam to pour out from Lyla's ears, she continued to jump up and pull his ear, hard, I might add, causing him to bend down, practically touching the ground, since she was so much shorter than him. She had jumped up and latched on, with no intentions of letting go.

"I see what you mean, Harold. Nice one, Ly." She giggles, extending her knuckle for Lyla to fist-bump, although it definitely wasn't going to happen. Just as I had predicted, Lyla wrinkles her nose is disgust, she hates that nickname, with a passion.

She walks back over to the rest of us, leaving Cheyenne hanging, causing her to look, and I assume, feel quite awkward.

"Well, anyways, when did all this happen, she's already got the 'Harry Styles' Girlfriend' title? No offense, dear." Zayn asks.

"Well, we wanted to know how we felt about each other before bringing all you into the mix." Harry explains, fingers intwined with Cheyenne, whom I've nick-named "Tramp". I'm not sure why, it just had a nice ring to it. Tramp. I liked it. It fit her perfectly.

"So we're left out of the mix again, why am I surprised? Oh, that's right, I'm not." Lyla, the smart-allec of the two of us, though I was pretty snarky myself.

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