annoying author's note

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Ok, hello, everyone, if you haven't already noticed, we made this account our joint account and then Julia made another (julia_genevieve) so that we wouldn't have to transfer the whole story bc like that's a lot of work.

OH OH OH. ok, and (as sad and depressing as this is) this story is coming to a close (WE KNOW WERE LIKE SO SAD) but don't worry it's gonna have like 10 more chaps or so and an epilogue and there won't be a sequel (as much as we would like for there to be one)

But we will continue to write!!!! (The ones listed are not the only ones, they're just the only ones we've planned)

They will all still be 1D fanfics but they will be specifically to one boy now!

We will be writing two other stories (that we've planned) after this one on this account and these are their descriptions:

Thantophobia «muke au»

thantophobia [THan•tōō•'fōbēə]
the fear of losing someone you love

» » » » » » »

can you be born undead?


Catch Me? «tomlinson»

It's hard to know that everything he ever said to me was a lie. That he'd never leave my side: lie. That we'd always be best friends: lie. That we'd always be there for each other: lie. That he'd always love me: lie.

I still count down the days until we're both twenty years old, knowing that when I left he said to me, "I'll call you when we're twenty." I've been waiting for about 1,825 days, and I only have 17 days left, but I'm not optimistic because I am falling into darkness, and there's no one to catch me.


Only Time Will Tell «clifford au»

After doing something so bold he thought he could do anything.
But the young boy had no idea that asking a classmate out would require so much courage.
It would be 30 seconds before he found her.
It would be 44 seconds before she refused his offer to get drinks.
It would be 49 seconds before she invited him to have lunch with her on the roof.
But how long until he fell in love with her?
How long before he confessed?


But You Were Mine «hood/hemmings au» (cover at top/side)

in which two boys are desperately in love with a beautiful, forgetful girl, but she knows neither one.

And then we're going to be writing some stories on our own, such as:

JULIA ( julia_genevieve )

Smoke «styles au»

Dead weight. Useless. Extraneous. Adjunct. Baggage. Unwanted. Unneeded. Unloved. But here I am, breathing, talking, walking, when I could be digging my grave. I take a look around, searching for the golden ray of sunlight, the delicate streak of blue that glides across the sky, even the ruby red glow that glistened from the old motel across the street, flickering on and off from old age, but there was no rainbow, there was one single color. My vision was obstructed. Clouds. No, fog. Wrong again. I looked around waiting for it to clear so I could see the beautiful town I previously took for granted, but it never did. Not the clouds in my head nor the ones currently engulfing me. But the smoke doesn't always settle, does it?


Nowhere to Go, No One to Care «horan au»

"To independence,"
"To freedom,"
"To us not caring where we go,"
"To those not caring who we are."

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Niall calls it fate, Kyra calls it a remarkable concurrence of circumstances without apparent causal connection.
Niall calls it unnoticed, Kyra calls it nonexistent.
Niall calls it perfect, Kyra calls it tolerable.


In a Dream «payne au»

in my dream, you are my life, but in my life, you are a dream.

RILEY ( seriously-riley )

Arranged «styles au»

Alice and Harry can't stand each other.

There's something about Harry that makes Alice's blood boil.

And there's something about Alice that makes Harry's skin crawl.

And being stuck in an arranged marriage doesn't help, either.


Rooftops «malik au»

Quiet, still, noiseless, hushed. Rooftops where you can only hear the wind and the distant honking of cars along the busy street below, that's where I met him.

❋ ❋ ❋ ❋ ❋

More than anything, Mae wants to be loved again.

More than anything, Zayn wants to be able to smile.

They both desire things very far out of their reach, but somtimes giving up makes it better.


Buuuutttttt yeah, sorry for the wait for an update, but it'll be coming soon, but for now, go follow


And rn you're following our (now joint account) @julia_riley

Xoxoxo, Julesy + Ribread

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