Chapter 14: Doggone It!

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"If there are no dogs in heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went."
-Will Rogers


"How do I look?" Harry struts into the living room, wearing a purple and yellow striped shirt and an orange beanie. "Fabulous?"

"Absolutely horrible," Lyla says without looking away from the television.

"You didn't even look!" Harry exclaims, placing his hands upon his hips.

"Don't need to."

"Why are you dressed like that?" I ask, giggling.

"Because, Olive," Louis begins to explain for Harry, who is currently in a stare down to the death with Lyla. "It's Saturday, and we're taking you two out!"

I begin to bubble with excitement. "Really?"

"Really and truly, but we need the outfits so fans won't recognize us, and I guess Haz decided to make some fun out of it."

"Does that mean we need costumes as well?" asks Lyla. "Fans might recognize us, too."

"Good point." Niall puts on a serious face. "We should get started right now!" He dashes up the stairs.

"Okay!" I shout, taking Lyla's hand and racing up the steps after Niall.

We tear apart our bedroom, searching for things to make a costume out of. I find a yellow T-shirt and lime green overalls I had no idea we even owned; it must've been something Skylar and Jordan brought for playing dress up.

Lyla comes across a tie-dye shirt and two pairs of sunglasses that probably belong to the guys, since they were somewhat large on us.

"Look how cute you two look!" Niall exclaims as we walk down the steps. He is wearing a spotted black and white t-shirt and a magenta baseball cap, along with some Ray Bands.

"I believe we are always cute," I shoot back, jumping a little to appear adorable as can be, which causes my pigtails to bounce up and down, only adding to the cuteness.

"I want a mustache," Lyla declares, running off on her own to find the fake facial hair.

Louis and Zayn come down the steps wearing matching hoodies saying "I ❤︎ London."

"Payno!" Louis screeches, placing sunglasses on his face, "get your ass down here!"

"I'm coming!" Liam's voice resonates from upstairs. Seconds later, he comes down wearing his normal clothing and sunglasses.

"Where's your costume?" Louis whines.

"Somebody needs to be the mature one, so I guess it has to be me."

"Come on, Li-Li!" I tug his arm. "You're no fun!"

"It's okay, Olive. Let's just go. Where are Lyla and Harry?" he asks, noticing the two were missing.

"Right here!" Lyla's voice yells, making us all turn around to where Harry and her were standing.

They had cut out paper mustaches and taped them on their faces.

"Loving the new look!" Zayn jokes.

"Why, thank you, good sir." Lyla fakes a bow.

"Alright, alright, let's go," Liam says.



"I can't believe nobody recognized us!" Olivia squeals as we walk along the sidewalk to our car.

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