Chapter 31: Living Hell

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edited: 7/1/15

AN: long chap. You're welcome. Oh, and we're gonna say this in advance: we're sorry.


Xoxo, Ri & Jules

"Shadows come with the pain that you're running from."
-One Direction {Where Do Broken Hearts Go}


Moron. Idiot. Nitwit. Peabrain. Asshat. Halfwit. Dunce. Imbecile. Schmuck. Bonehead. Dingbat. Ignoramus. Jerk. Mook. Cretin. I list all the names I can come up with to describe myself as I enter my favorite nearly-abandoned bar. But I don't care, all I feel is contempt for myself. Scorn. Disdain. Derision. Disgust. Abhorrence. Hatred. Loathing. This is all I feel for myself as I sit down at the bar, not wasting a second to order a The Dalmore Cigar Malt scotch. I move into the strong stuff immediately. Soft rock music fills the silence, the perfect despicable tunes that lowlifes like me deserve.

I take a look around, discerning my company. There's an old man, whom I picture to have a cocky smile and beer-belly full of wasted years. There's another older man, not quite as aged as the first, though. He is giggling like a madman, without a care in the world. That's how I want to end up tonight, but I have a feeling that I won't be as lucky to have the pain stop at that stage. Then there's the bartender, whom I hope to be my next best friend.

"Another?" The bartender's scratchy voice whisks me out of my thoughts. I glance down at my glass, observing that I had emptied it without realizing. Good. That's exactly what I need.

"Please," I say back, pushing the glass forward with my balled up fist.

"How ya doin', mate?" He fills the glass with the golden liquid, sliding it back to me.

I groan. "Couldn't be worse."

"Ah, I assumed, most people here are at the lowest part they've been in awhile. Wanna talk about it?" I slurp down the liquid, enjoying the cold burn as it forces its way down my esophagus.

"Long story or short story?"

"I don't have anywhere to be any time soon," he answers, wiping down the sticky counter.

"Let me set the scene for 'ya: I liked this girl, but didn't realize I liked her until after we had already hooked up, and then Olivia was pissed because she walked in on us-"

"Who's Olivia?" he interrupts.

"My adopted daughter."

"So, you cheated on your girlfriend that you raise her with?" he pesters.

"No, no, no. Me and my buddies adopted her and her sister," I explain.

"Oh, so you're gay, well, no wonder she was pissed," he chuckles.

"No, their parents abandoned them and me and my four friends found them and took them in. Then, we got babysitters for them because we're busy guys, and this girl, Skylar, was the babysitter," I get out without any interjections. "I'm Harry, by the way." I extend my hand to him, realizing I had never properly greeted him. He outstretches his hand that wasn't holding the wet cloth to give mine a firm shake.

"Harvey," he introduces himself. "Go on."

"Well, then I got a girlfriend, thinking Skylar was just a one-night stand, but she turned out to be something much more." I throw back the last of the scotch, craving the burning sensation to attack the lump growing in my throat. "But then I fell for my girlfriend, Cheyenne, and I just couldn't decide who my heart belongs to." I pause, digesting my own words. "Sorry, that sounded sappy. Anyways, after weeks of discernment, I realized Skylar was the one. I brought her a rose and a beautiful speech and she brought another guy, and his lips." I sighed, raising my hand a bit, gesturing for another.

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