Chapter 16: Who's Yo Dadday?

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AN: this is our like fav chap out of all of them yet!

Xo, r & a

"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
-Gilbert Chesterson


We chased after her, finally catching up to the two conversing as Lyla jumps into the arms of the man talking with Olivia.

"Daddy!" She exclaims, squeezing him with her small, delicate hands.

Her dad smiles back, not saying anything, but turning his attention to the five of us, looking from our head to our feet, then back up, scrunching his nose in a disapproving manner. Now I see where Lyla got that from.

"Uh, girls, who are these men?" Their dad asks the two of them, not exactly acknowledging us.

"Um, dad, this is Harry, Liam, Louis, Niall, and Zayn, guys this is our dad." Olive introduces us.

Liam bends over slightly, extending his hand to shake their dad's.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Baker, you've got some pretty great kids." He smiles, god, he's so polite, sometimes it annoys me, although I was quite the charmer as well.

Their dad scrunches his nose once more before hardly making contact with Liam's hand, moving it immediately following.

"Hello, uh, boys." He says, snootily to us, slurring ever-so-slightly. I think I'm just imagining it, though. I remember the reason he was arrested. He was an alcoholic, maybe I was just assuming the worst of him, judging off of his first-impression. I shouldn't be doing this to their father. 'Show some respect, Harold.' I scold myself.

"They've been taking care of us, dad." Lyla explains.

"I can see. Olivia was asleep on a park bench, with no one else. You're doing a great job." He says, sarcastically, although he was slightly right, all I wanted to do was scream "Oh! And like you're any better of a parent?!" But I restrained myself, once again. 'Respect. Respect.' I repeated to myself.

"Well, they didn't know, it was just a dare between Lyla and I, which I guess I sorta won, seeing as she couldn't last one night without me." Olivia comments. We haven't actually been told the whole story yet, so it was nice to at least have some information, although I still didn't quite understand.

"Well, thanks for watching them. Come on, girls, let's go home." He attempts to say, this time I knew I wasn't imagining it, he had definitely been slurring his words. He's drunk.

"Um, actually, dad, we have a home." Lyla says, nervously, she was standing close to his left, as Olivia was further to his right, closer to us.

"Yeah, and we're going there. Now." He grabs ahold of her arm, her expression falters a bit, but I think that she was just taken by surprise by his touch. Yeah, that's it.

"Actually," Niall interjects. "we're their legal guardians." He steps forward, cautiously, I believe he has noticed the drunken state their dad is in, as well.

"What the hell are you doing stealing my kids?!" His grip on Lyla's arm tightens enough that you could see the redness at her fingertips, showing no blood was reaching them. 'We need to approach this cautiously.' I tell myself. 'We don't want him to hurt her anymore than this, take slow steps.'

"Come on girls, we're leaving. NOW!" He yells, his grip proceeding to get tighter, as I notice Lyla wince in pain. 'Harold, if you lunge at him now, he could throw her or something. Take it easy, slowly.'

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