Chapter 48: Not Here Not There

42 7 19

posted: 7/23/15

AN: im so sorry we've been so inactive and annoying and just ugh.

please don't hate us. i wouldn't blame you.

the rest of the book is just so complex and stuff and we're just having a lot of trouble sorting it out and writing it and stuff.

like we know all that's gonna happen and stuff, we just gotta get it down on paper and then plan out the chapters and everything. well weeee that's all for now.

enjoy this next chappie, i hope it was worth the wait. the next one won't take as long, you have my word.

xoxo, j + r

"Real love you feel it, you see it, you show it. But fake love is just words."


"Guys, do you know how late we are to pick Olive up? She would've been better off walking home!" I yell at the boys as they all pile into the van out from the management building where we just attended a meeting.

"Well, gee, Zayn, I'm sorry we were all trapped in a meeting for forty-five minutes longer than we had originally thought. Next time someone holds me against my will causing me to be late, I'll be sure to call," Louis sasses me, but I am in no mood.

Liam decides that's his cue to butt in. "All right, guys. We all know there's nothing we could've done to fix that. We're all just crabby because we just came out of a three-hour meeting."

"Oh, shut your damn pie hole. It's different for you. You're all goody-two-shoes with everything. They aren't pissed off at you for anything," Louis snaps at Liam.

"You know what-" Harry cuts Liam off.

"HEY!" he shouts. "Everyone just take a deep breath. Right now we're only focusing on getting Olive to gym practice, okay? Can we do that?" Both the boys just nod and give each other a lazy pat on the back as they embrace each other shortly, saying quick apologizes for something none of us will remember in a few days.

"All right. Is everyone buckled?" Louis asks us.

We all mumble incoherent responses and he takes that as his cue to speed out of the parking lot and to Olivia's school.

I take a deep breath and sit back in my seat. That was not enjoyable. I take a moment to talk to myself. Don't worry, Zayn, I think to myself, it's all over. You can go home, take a bath, cuddle up in some pyjamas and just relax for the rest of the night until dinner.

I calm down and close my eyes, humming softly to myself. I just need some me-time.

If only I would know now that such a thing would be rare to come in the following weeks.

I spend the rest of the ride gazing out the window, taking in the ancient streets of England. I've been all around the world, but I'll always find comfort in my home country, no matter the city I'm in.

Before long, we're pulling into the parking lot of Olive's school right in front of the front office.

"Hmm. Looks like she's not waiting in her normal spot. Let's go check inside," Niall suggests.

"All right. How about you and Zayn go in and get her and we'll go park," comments Louis.

We nod and jump out of the car. "Where should we check? She wouldn't still be in her classroom, would she?" I ask.

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