Chapter 3: Settling In

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AN: Hello, our lovelies! Thank you for reading! We hope you continue!!!

If you see any spelling errors, please feel free to comment so we can correct it! :) Or if something doesn't make sense, or something!


Xoxo, rain and autumn

"Our prime purpose in life is to help others and if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them."
-Dalai Lama


"Are the girls asleep?" Zayn turns around to see me as I am sitting in the back with Lyla and Olivia.

"Yeah, they're passed out." I look to the two girls beside me, Olivia leaning against me with Lyla leaning against her.

"Are you sure about this Liam?" Louis asks.

"Of course, we couldn't leave them, they would've stuck them in foster care."

"I kinda fancy them." Niall pipes up from the row of seats in front of me.

"I do, too." I agree turning again to look at the two sleepy girls.

"But what if their mom doesn't come back?" Louis, surprisingly being the realistic one instead of Liam, says.

"I haven't thought that far yet." Liam replies, not removing his gaze from the front window.

"Well, I mean, do we keep them?" Niall speaks, almost asking if it's possible.

Everyone is silent for a few minutes before turning to look at the sleeping dolls. I know none of us were ready for kids, but all of us together . . .

"Well, who would?" Zayn asks returning all of us to the question that sent us into silence.

"One of us can't handle two seven-year-olds" Liam says, returning to his sensible self.

"But, all of us?" I say, speaking my thoughts out loud. All of them straighten, realizing the possibility.

"Hmm," they all murmur, thinking.

"But what about tours?" Louis adds.

"Young artists have tutors come with them to keep them up in school, we could do that."

"Don't forget that they do still have parents." Zayn comments, letting us know we were thinking too far ahead.

"For the moment we don't know where their mum is though." Niall fights back.

"What about their dad?"

"I don't think we ever asked about their dad." I say before Niall can respond. Soon enough, we are at Liam's house.

"Should we wake them?" Louis says reaching over to shake them awake.

"No," Niall says, shooing Louis's hand away. "Let them sleep."

"We can't leave them in the car."

"Then we'll carry them," I say reaching under Olivia's knees to carry her bridal-style inside. "You get Lyla." I point to Niall. He nods and lifts her gently as not to wake her.

"Awww, look at you two!" Louis says gushing at us. I just roll my eyes and keep walking. As we reach the door, Olivia wiggles, scaring me that she will wake up, but she simply curls harder into my chest placing her hand there before returning to her deep slumber.

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