Chapter 37: The Words That Hit

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HelloooooooooOo readers! It's Ribread again! yay! Anyway, I was finishing with this chapter at 4am last night and tHEN I ACCIDENTALLY PRESSED PASTE AND THE ENITRE THING WAS REPLACED. Ahhhhhh! I was so angry at myself, but you've waited long enough so here's 37!


xoxo, Tangerine and Honeydew (aka Julia and Riley)

"You've got enemies? Good, it means you stood up for something in your life."


"We will be calling your parents," the teacher says sternly, pulling on my arm as she navigates me through the hallways.

When we finally get to the office I'm taken to the headmaster's. I've never met the headmaster before, but she seems like a nice woman.

"How can I help you?" She asks as the teacher and I walk through the door.

The teacher proceeds to tell her exactly why we are here.

"All right, we'll call your parents, Lyla." She says.

It is weird how she already knows my name, since I never told it to her.

I stay silent, and I will continue to do so until the guys get here, if they even come at all, since they've been quite busy lately.


All five of us piled into the van once we heard the news; Liam got a call from the school concerning a problem with Lyla.

Apparently she punched a kid and we need to be there right now to pick her up because she's been suspended.

Liam is furious and he's showing it by the way he's driving; he has nearly hit three people.

Louis is the complete opposite, he's reminiscing about all the times he was suspended when he was in school.

We finally get to the school without Liam causing any deaths. Zayn leads the way into the office and we see Lyla sitting across from the front desk.

At the desk a lady, around 40, was there and she asks, "For Lyla Baker?"

"Yes, thank you," Liam replies.

"The headmaster wants to speak to you," the women adds.

"Alright," Liam speaks to the women before turning to Lyla, "you aren't getting out of this, you know?"

We enter the headmaster's office, a small room with a desk right in the middle dominating the office as an intimidating woman sits poised in the chair behind the table.

The lady stands up when we come in and shakes each of our hands.

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Headmaster Bluett. I'm hope you're aware of why you are here?" She asks us, leaning against her desk.

"Yes, and there will most definitely be a talk about this at home." Liam assures.

"Actually, Lyla really hasn't said anything about why she did what she did, so maybe when you get home you can talk about it, ask her if there is anything stressing her or making her feel like she needs to lash her problems out on others."

I can't help but notice she is talking about Lyla as if she isn't there. Lyla seems to notice this as well because she sighs and rolls her eyes.

We leave the school quickly to avoid recognition by anyone. I'm not looking forward to an uncomfortable car ride home since the lads left me in the back with Lyla and we haven't made up for the entire Cheyenne fiasco. She isn't even aware that we broke up, or that I asked her to marry me.

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