Chapter 34: First Show Back

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Nat looked out from the side of the stage to find thousands of people out there chanting Cass' name. She knew she was popular but it's a completely different experience to see it live. It looks like a sea of people in front of her. She turned around walking back towards the dressing room Cass was getting ready in. 

She didn't know how Tate pulled it off but they booked her a last minute performance at the Dallas Stadium. So they drove down together in Keith's truck. Jackson got delayed and said he would have to meet them here. Now Nat won't admit it to anyone but she was thrilled to see him. They haven't seen each other in over a month. Yes they have texted and talked daily but it wasn't the same. She wanted to be near him again. She understood this would be a challenge and right now was one of those challenges. 

Grinning, she walks to the door patting the security guard who shakes his head down at her. They got well acquainted upon arrival. He attempted to stop her and he ended up with his arm locked behind his back. Cass had to explain that her and Keith were allowed in at any point. Keith hasn't actually left the dressing room since they arrived much to the stylist's dismay. The woman tried shooing him... like actually 'shoo' and he raised an unimpressed eye brow at her and crossed his arms. Cass laughed telling her to just let it go earning a wink from Keith. Nat took that as her queue to leave. 

"Young man! You do NOT need to be in here while she prepares!"

"Stella, leave him be" Cass says calmly with the makeup artist finishing her eyes. 

Nat shakes her head as the woman huffs crossing her arms glaring at an unbothered Keith. She goes down and flops down beside him looking to Cass. She looks stunning. They have blacked out her eyes and her hair has been pulled up in a tight bun. She opens her eyes blinking as she looks at herself in the mirror turning her head side to side. She has on large ruby ear rings. She stands up turning to Stella who already has her outfit in her arm. Cass takes it going to stand behind the divider. 

"Nat.. help"

Nat gets up going to find her friend with her bare back presented and she can see the top is a tied corset. Walking over she takes the strings and begins doing it while Cass holds the top in place. She tucks the excess strings before tapping Cass' shoulders. She turns around and Nat grins stepping back gesturing for her to move first. Cass smiles stepping out finding Keith standing there. His eyes slowly taking her in entirely. Nat can see they are a good match but worries on how Keith will handle all of this in Cass' life. Its a part of her so she only hopes he accepts it. 


It snaps him out of his reverie and he stands up walking to her before placing his hands on her hips. His eyes shining down to her. Everyone in the room is silent waiting for his reaction. He leans down placing a kiss to her cheek before whispering something lowly in her ear for only her to hear. Nat can see the blush reaching her best friend's cheek and it makes her smile. 

Knock Knock

The door opens and Jackson walks in. His eyes going to Cassie at first but quickly find Nat. She grins and squeals before bypassing everyone to run at him. He smiles wide and opens his arms as she jumps into them. Her lips come crashing down onto his without mercy. 

"YOUNG LADY!" The stylist says sounding appalled. 

"Stella" Cass says in a warning tone not daring to interrupt her best friend's moment. 

Nat couldn't help herself. She has thought about this man everyday for the last two months. His lips continued dancing against hers with his hands gripping the back of her thighs and butt. She pulls back looking down at him. Her smile still fully intact before she wraps her arms around his neck putting her neck in his neck. 

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