Chapter 45: Happy

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That is the only word running through Natalia's mind as she remains frozen in her spot. Keith's hand tightened around her own making her scared to look at him.

"What" his voice low and held a tone of anger in it.

The doctor looks between the pair before realization dawns on him. His eyes widening, "You didn't know."

"Give us a minute Doctor."

Hearing Keith's deep voice. She doesn't dare move as the man scurries out of the room. Both remain silent as Keith releases her hand going to stand at the foot of her bed gripping the foot board tightly. His eyes ablaze as he looks directly at her.


How the hell was she supposed to explain?? She didn't even know when it happened. Her mouth continued to open and close like a fish out of water not sure what to say. Her hand subconsciously going to her flat stomach. Keith's eyes following the movement and softening for a millisecond before her returned to his glare.

"You're pregnant Natalia."

"I can hear just fine Keith." She said getting annoyed now.

This explained a lot. The reason behind her haywire emotions. Her clinginess to Jackson. The way her body would become tired much quicker than normal. Her gaze left Keith looking down at her lap trying to remember when they didn't use protection. Yes, they were like bunnies but they always remembered to use pro- SHIT! Just like that, she remembers when it happened. The night after the interview, they had all went back to Jackson's condo. After they split, Jackson carried her into the shower and they did more than just wash up.

Keith watched his sister with mixed emotions. Lying here holding her stomach as her mind seem to be miles away, he could see his mother. She resembled her so much but more so in this moment as she continued holding her stomach in a protective stance. He felt rage for the city slicker putting her in this situation. He should be putting a ring on her finger before a babe comes along. Trying to calm himself, he takes a deep breath and rocks on his feet before looking back up at her.

"How do feel about this?" He asked gently wanting to know where her heart is.

She didn't say anything for a moment before she looked down at her hand on her stomach and smiled gently. Her thumb moving back and forth as if already picturing the new addition. Cursing silently in his head, he tried to relax his body as he walked over and sat down near her legs facing her. He waited for her to talk as he could tell she was trying to put her thoughts into words.

"I... I'm happy, I guess."

She didn't know how to feel but she wasn't upset. She never expected this but it was a blessing all the same. She was happy... her only worry was how Jaxon would react. At that, her eyes began to well up. Her hand going to her mouth looking to her brother for support. He understood and instantly engulfed her into his arms as she sobbed holding his shirt. He continued holding her rocking her gently until she calmed down. He didn't move from her but wanted to know what caused the tears.

"What is it sis?" His words soft and gentle unlike the previous tone.

"Wh-What will Jaxon think?"

At this Keith's muscles become rigid before he pulls back looking directly into her eyes. His eyes hard and his answer was deadly.

"He will be happy or he will be buried."

Natalia smacked his chest pulling him back in again whisper 'stupid brother' under her breath just enough for him to hear. He chuckled lowly as he hugged his baby sister back. The comfort Keith gave her going a long way. The doctor knocked after some time with a machine to his side. Keith knew what it was and stood up holding her hand.

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