Chapter 14: Control

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"Have you seen this?"

Jackson looks up from his computer to the paper that was thrown down on his desk. It's a picture of Cassie and Landon from months ago. The headline reading Lover's Scorn. He picks it up as Tate gets comfortable in the seat in front of him. His eyes focusing outside as Jackson continues to read the trash that someone wrote up. 

He tosses it down making Tate snap his attention back to him. Jackson leans back in his chair sighing loudly. His fingers coming up to rub his temples. He has been here before the sun even came up trying to control the situation. Someone obviously passed the story out but had no proof to back it up. The photos attached to this story were of them both but not anything from last night. Landon had not been released from the hospital yet luckily.

"We were expecting something to come out."

"Yes but not this quick!"

Tate says throwing his hands up before he begins to pace back and forth in front of Jackson's desk. The man obviously looks complete stressed. Jackson just sits back allowing the man to maul over his own thoughts. It is clear he needs to vent. 

"What do want to do?" Jackson says slowly still following the man. 

"I want to ring Landon's head." 

His hands coming up acting liking he is choking the air as he continues to walk. Jackson can't help but smile on amused by his boss. He finally flops back down with an unceremonious huff. Jackson looks closely and can see the clear concern for Cassie. 

"You care for her?"

Tate's eyes snap up with furrowed brows at Jackson. "Of course I do. Cassie is sensational."

"It's more than that. The way you are acting..." Jackson says leaning forward in his seat resting his elbows on the desk calculating his next words. "You care a great deal for her."

Tate doesn't say anything for a minute as his fingers drum on his leg as he continues gazing at Jackson. Jax waits patiently seeing his eyes flickering through a range of emotion before finishing on resolve. Tate visibly slouches in the seat looking down. 

"Cassie is unlike any artist I have ever worked with... and yes. I see her as family."

With that Jackson nods his head no further questions or statements on the matter to be said. Tate runs his hands down his face as he looks at the window in thought. 

"I have a plan of action"

"Let's hear it," Tate says turning his gaze back to Jackson. His eyes looking tired. 

"She needs to get away." Tate crosses his arms waiting for him to elaborate. "She is still working on her next album and this story exploding isn't going to help. Allow her to get away will help her creative mindset and possibly find new inspiration."

"And what about the interviews she had planned?"

Jackson shrugs a shoulder as he picks up a pen twirling it in his fingers. "We can state she is currently away for personal reasons and reschedule."

"And the story?" Tate raises and eye brow. 

"We both know that once Landon gets released, he is going to spin the story no matter what. I say we make a press release. They will only be able to speculate for so long."

Tate threads his fingers together over his stomach as he goes deep in thought. Jackson sits quietly studying his face and his reaction. A slow nod begins as Tate seems to have agreed with him. 

"You're right"

Jackson gives one head nod before picking up the article and tossing it into the trash can. His eyes turning back to Tate who seems to be studying him now. 

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