Chapter 10: Sensual Touch

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Natalia couldn't help but look around the little Italian restaurant. It had the feeling of home to it. She was pleased he didn't choose a big upscale high price restaurant. Cass had to argue with her just to get her in the dress. She didn't understand why she couldn't choose her own clothes but according to Cass she refused to let her go in a pair of jeans. 

"So Bella, how do you know my nephew?"

Nat looked to the woman who ushered them in. She did not appear to have any of the physical traits that Jax had. She looks to the man in question and can't help but study his striking features. His strong jaw line, or his sharp cheekbones. He reminds Nat of someone you would see in a magazine. His piercing eyes that hold anyone captivated. She blinks hearing someone clear their throat. Blinking multiple times, she realizes she spaced out while staring at Jax. His smirk evident proof while she blushed turning her attention back to the woman who had an amused smile. 

"He was broken down on the side road when I pulled over to help."

The woman whips her attention to Jackson. He cringes knowing the next words from her. 

"Jackson. Lee. Fillmore! Are you still driving that stupid piece of junk?!"

Nat's eyes go wide hearing her voice volume. The few people in the restaurant glance over to their table while Jax lowers himself in his seat. He reminds her of a kid getting scolded for stealing a cookie. She kept her eyes on going back and forth between the two. Jax looked to Talia to find her stunned in silence before answering his aunt. 

"It is currently in the shop Aunt Jenny. It will be retur-"

"You need to get a better vehicle. A reliable vehicle." She says stressing the word reliable. Glancing out the window she points outside. "Take that vehicle for instance, I bet it has plenty of stories and not many include the inside of a shop."

Nat couldn't help but giggle covering up with her hand as Jax grinned to her. His aunt was pointing at Luke parked outside. Out of all the vehicles, she could have chosen. Jenny looked between the two in confusion. 

"Thank you ma'am"

Jenny snapped her head to the Bella of the table before glancing to her nephew. The young man has a grin on his lips making her heart melt. He hasn't smiled in so long. His eyes turned to her. 

"That's her truck Aunt Jenny"

She smiles widely with her eyes misty before shaking her head. "I'll leave you two to it, be back soon for your order."

Natalia's eyebrows furrowed seeing her emotional face as she walked away before turning back to Jax. He had a gentle smile watching her retreating form before turning back to her. She locked her gaze with his not realizing his hand reaching onto the table to hold hers. Her hand instinctively gripping his. 

"You look beautiful Talia." 

"Thank you" She says with a gentle smile. 

They pick up their menus and beginning scanning through them. His aunt comes back to take their order before leaving again. Nat giving her a thank you which earns her a beautiful smile in return. 

"So Talia, tell me more about you." 

"Well I should start with my full name... Natalia Thornton. I go by Talia for short." Jackson nods his head while sipping taking a sip of his drink while listening intently. 

"Natalia..." He says slowly allowing it to roll slowly from his tongue. He thought it suited her. 

"Like I said, I'm from Texas, went to school in New York and then returned home to help with family ranch." 

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