Chapter 2: Protecting Her

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Clicking off the phone Nat sighs heavily. Nat looks around her ranch and sees all the hands working away. The horses are running freely in the coral. Taking off her hat, she wipes her forehead before putting it back on glancing back down at her phone. 

Nat (12:08 PM) Did you get her home

Clifford (12:10 PM) Yes Ms. Thorton. She seems to be in better spirits. 

Nat smirks down at her phone. She didn't trust just anyone to keep an eye on her best friend. She couldn't leave the ranch but she couldn't leave Cass alone in the world either. A few years back she paid Clifford handsomely to take over the position of Cass' driver. He reports to her and Cass is unaware of it. Clifford messages her reports just in case things get out of hand. Although they have been apart for years, she has never felt disconnected from her. Yes she hears her music... hourly, but it's from the moments when Cass needs her that she feels important. That spirited blonde puts on a good front but Nat can see her struggle. Nat hopes she can find her way once again but right now she is unsure. 

Nat (12:14 PM) Thank you Clifford... as always. 

Clifford (12:15 PM) My pleasure Ms. Thorton. 

The phone gets tucked safely into the back pocket of her jeans before whistling. A familiar dark stallion lifts its head before trotting over to her. Nat smiles gently reaching out to graze the muzzle of her boy. He neighs as Nat steps off the porch allowing her hand to graze his mane before throwing a leg over and riding him bare back. Pressing her knees in and laying closer, she clicks her tongue and the horse takes off. Nat grins feeling the wind whip at her hair. She lives for this. 

Coming to a stop, she over looks her land. The view like anything else. Mountains in the distant and plenty of range for her horses and cattle. She embraces the feeling of utter freedom raising her face to the warmth of the heavens. The sun basking her in heat while the wind offers coolness. 

"Figured you would be here

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"Figured you would be here."

Nat brings her face back as the large brown mare pulls up beside her. She smirks as her brother looks out to the view as well. His dark skin almost matching the horse' coat. He reaches down brushing her neck gently. Keith has always loved this beauty over all others. The same relationship she has with her stallion. His eyes turning to her finally. 

"You know Shadow doesn't respond to anyone other than you?"

Nat reaches down rubbing her black beauty, Shadow, as he neighs at her enjoying the affection. 

"He's my boy. Just like Oakley is your girl."

"You alright?" Nat looks to him with furrowed brows. Keith further explains, "I saw your expression from the call." 

Nat nods understanding. She told Keith a long time ago about her friendship with Cass but Keith never believed his sister was cool enough to know a famous person. Over the years, he always jokes with her about it. She just doesn't care anymore. No one in town knows about Nat and Cass' friendship. Keith presumes she is always talking to one of the southern belles in town. Fuck. That. Nat can't stand the 'Barbies' in town. They are nothing but drama and gossip. Something she wants know part of. 

"Yea, a friend of mine is going through a hard time. I was trying to cheer her up."

Keith looks back towards their ranch before turning back to his baby sister. She certainly is no baby anymore. Keith has had to fend off a good amount of the male populations in town. His sister by all means of the term is attractive. Her time on the farm keeping her in shape. Her long brown locks in soft waves and dark tan skin. He has to wonder how she never grows attached to any of the suitors that come knocking. 

"You know... I could watch over the ranch." Nat looks to him with narrowed eyes. He chuckles clearly seeing her disbelief. "I'm serious Talia, you haven't left this place since you came back."

Nat drops her gaze down to her boy stroking his mane gently. He has told her countless times to take a break from all of this. She is in charge of all the financial aspects of the ranch. The bookings and the sells of the cattle. Her brother handles all the ranch hands and making sure the horses and cattle are tended too. Nat gets her hands dirty daily though, giving all the horses a good rub down. 

"I don't-"

"Enough Talia. I'm telling you now... take a few weeks and get away. I don't care where, just give yourself some time."

Nat feels a smile pulling at the corners of her lips. She looks to her brother's stern face and smiles widely looking out to the vastness of their land. It has been one crazy ride for them. They had grown their families small ranch into a vast empire in the south. The Iron Clad known far and wide for their horses and how they handle business. 

"You just trying to get rid of me?" Nat teases as her brother scoffs loudly. 

"Yea.. since I could handle the paperwork for this place?" Keith rolls his eyes as his sister continues smiling off into the distance. She has made this place so much more than he ever thought possible. All that time away served them well. She has made good deals and now they have one of the 5 largest ranches in the south. "Go, start packing."

They both turn back around and Nat clicks her tongue making Shadow take off like a bullet. Keith chuckles before whistling making Oakley catch up to them. His sister is one of the few maidens he knows who rides better than most males and certainly the only one who can ride a wild stallion bare back. 

They reach the house where Nat climbs off followed by her brother. He looks to Shadow before looking to Nat expectantly. She rolls her eyes and whistles lowly and the beautiful horse begins walking in to the stables on his own accord. The siblings watching him strut as if he owns the place. Turning back Keith points to the house and Nat gives him a fake salute before turning on her heel and going into the house. 

Maybe visiting Cass would be good for her. She can only hope. Cass was not something she was prepared for but over the years, she loved that Cass kept in touch with her. Even with her world being utterly crazy. Cass is EVERYWHERE. Billboards, TV, Magazines, and on the radio. 

She begins packing and thinking about this time away. She has never been to California. She is interested to see if it's as beautiful as they always said. Knowing Cass' schedule, she is aware that she has some down time to make her new album right now. It is kinda perfect. 

Nat (1:42 PM) Clifford, I am going to surprise Cass. I will need your help when I arrive.

Clifford (1:44 PM) Absolutely Ms.

Keith comes in to see her packing and leans against the door watching her silently. She already has her phone out and appears to have looked at a map. He reaches for it and sees she has mapped out a route to San Francisco. Raising an eyebrow he turns to her after sitting on her bed. 

"Any particular reason for California?"

"You said anywhere." She shrugs and continues, "I've always wanted to visit it."

He doesn't believe her but he did tell her to pick anywhere. He isn't going to push her fully aware that he never gets anything that way. Standing back up and he holds his arms open and watches as Nat rolls her eyes but steps into his arms regardless. They didn't always have the closest relationship but over the years, it has changed. He couldn't picture life without his sister being near. 

"You be safe sis"

"Always Keith"

He pulls away and walks outs glancing back to see his sister throwing multiple pairs of jeans in her duffel bag. He cringes knowing his sister never wheres a dress. He's almost thankful for that. However her jeans, also give men a view. Leaving his sister to herself, he wonders how well she will do in the Golden State. 

All packed and ready to go, Nat throws her bag over her shoulder before looking out her window. Taking one final glance at her beautiful view she walks out ready to see her long lost friend. 

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