Chapter 31: Good Morning

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Nat smiled as she looked out the window finding the morning light beginning to peak over the hills. She turned in her bed to find a very attractive Jax still asleep. She twisted her body so her chest was facing him. His arm had fallen from its place on her waist so she gently lifted it tucking herself back to him. She scooted closer wrapping her arm around his back gently stroking it. He moved slightly and Nat blushed feeling his very 'muscle' against her inner thigh. 


She whispers his name gently as she runs her fingers through his hair trying to coax him awake. He grumbled still asleep turning his head into the pillow before twisting it back. One eye barely peaking open before closing and tugging her to him again. 

"Go back to sleep"

His morning voice hoarse making Nat's core tighten. It was sexy and low. She leaned forward kissing his cheek, his jaw, then a trail down his neck. His arm becoming a steel band and she knew he was quite awake now. She smirked against the skin of his neck before gently pushing him back so he was flat and she could straddle him. His eyes were open but the color of his blue eyes as dark as the night sky. She leaned forward giving him a tender long kiss as her hips began rotating on him. His moan landing on her lips making her enjoy this so much more. 

His hands landed on her ass as he kneaded them in making her back arch and her bare chest rub against him. She moved down a little to find him and began to press down so he would enter her. The sigh escaping her as he began to fill her. Her eyes looking down to find him with his eyes closed, his head tilted back a bit. She began moving forward and backward loving the control she had. 

"Fuck Natalia"

His voice sounding breathless. She began to pick up speed lifting her self so she was sitting straight up. His eyes snapping as she made the new position. She could feel his fingers run up her stomach to her chest before going back down allowing her to have full control. 

"Do you like it when I ride you? The feeling on my walls tighten around you... Wanting you desperately?"

Jax groaned lifting his body so he was sitting up as Nat bounced on him. His hand coming to grip the back on her neck and her hip jerking her down harder on him. His lips coming to her ear as she could feel herself reaching her peak. 

"Milk me love, make your man cum."

Nat threw her head back up riding him like her life depended on it. The sounds of their skin slapping and moans filling the room again as they were both about to collapse over the edge. Nat's tumbling moment came when Jax moved his hand to the front of her throat gripping it slightly making her gasp in surprise. Jax cursed as he tumbled still moving as Nat found her own before they slowed to a stop. Jax laid back and pulled Nat with him so her body was lying ontop of his. 

"That's one way to wake up" 

Nat lifted her head to rest her chin on his chest. She grinned, "I quite enjoyed it."

He chuckled and Nat moaned feeling him still inside her as he chuckled. He moved slowly pulling back out of her. She got up walking to the washroom, her ankle not in pain today. She could feel his eyes on her backside but didn't care. She went and got in the shower leaving the door open. It only took a few minutes before a second body joined her. Both helped each other to wash with smiles glued to their lips. After getting dressed, they headed downstairs where Jax helped carry her. His explanation was he didn't want to push it with the stairs. Nat just smiled and allowed him. 

She looked outside finding the sunrise letting her know that it was still early. She watched as he walked to the coffee machine and started it. His eyes then met hers finding a smile lighting her face. He smirked walking over to kiss her gently caging her to the counters before lifting her to sit on the granite. The kiss was sensual and not rushed but just enjoyable. 

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