Chapter 5: Coffee

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"Don't you dare Nat!"

Nat groaned at Cass while she pointed her accusing finger at her. They were currently walking out to her truck the following morning. Cass and her stayed up til the early hours of the morning and still the blonde found the energy to style her. Nat quickly turned her down when she brought out a tight dress. Her jeans and tank tops is what she is currently in. Cass gave in as long as she was allowed to do her hair. Nat wasn't used to curls or beach waves as Cass called them. Now she kept running her fingers through her hair much to her best friend's displeasure. 

"Cass, it is just hair."

"It is sexy and I refuse to have you ruin my hard work!"

Nat couldn't help but giggle at her best friend. The blonde was currently in a pair of slacks and one Nat's tank tops. The blonde walked up to her truck and Nat leaned out the window. Cass stepped up kissing her cheek. 

"Love you Cass"

"Love you more Nat... Now go! I want details later!"

She rolled her eyes but couldn't help but smile as Cass bounced back into her house. Nat released a deep breath before putting the address in her GPS and pulled out of the driveway. With sun glasses on, she rolled down the windows and blasted country through Luke's speakers. Driving through the streets, she couldn't help but be interested in all the difference aspects of the city. It definitely was no Texas. It didn't take her more than 20 minutes to arrive at the coffee shop that Jax chose. 

Pulling up into the cafe's parking lot, her truck sticks out like a sore thumb. All sleek cars and mint condition cars that have no dents, no scratches, hell... not even a little bit of dirt. Then her bad boy Luke with his rust beginning to show with dirt lining his underbelly. She watched as on lookers looked at her as she climbed out. Keeping the sunglasses on, she swings her legs out and glances around before shutting the door and walking over the street into the upscale diner. Once again feeling beyond out of place. 

She begins to pull out her phone before a chime on her phone went off, she glances to see a text from Cass. 

Cass (9:34 am) Get you some girl!

Giggling soft, she closes her phone looking around while a familiar figure walks towards her. His glacier eyes holding her intrigued again. She lifts her glasses on top of her head when he comes to stop in front of her. A smile pulling at her lips seeing his eyes running over her momentarily. It gave her confidence that he was taken notice of her. He chuckles nervously making her bite her lower lip still smiling. 

"It's good to see you Talia" 

"You too Jax..." 

He stands there akwardly for a moment before gesturing to the booth he was sitting at. She begins walking beside him when she feels the presence of his hand at the small of her back. She has to hold back the smile from his touch. It wasn't much but it was a nice gesture. She took the seat he led her to before sliding in the seat across from her. 

A waiter coming by to hand her a menu which she gave a polite thank you before he made his exit leaving the two alone. She could feel his eyes trained on her making her look up to lock on his. The window allowing the morning light to bounce off the table and electrify his bright blue eyes. They almost appeared to be gems the way they sparkled. 

"Thank you for meeting me again." She smiled brightly at him over the top of the menu. 

"Did your Audi find it's way to a shop?"

Jackson sighed heavily before answering. "Yea, it over heated as you said."

Nat takes a sip of the water nodding her head already knowing this. The waiter comes by and Jax orders a black coffee and a scone. Nat on the other hand orders bacon and eggs with a glass of orange juice. Jax gave her a surprised look at her choice before it turned into a smirk. 

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