Chapter 55: De Ja Vu

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Cami smiled as the car pulled up to her record label. Paparazzi began swarming the car the moment it stops. She threw on her sun glasses as the driver came around to open the door before offering his hand. She gives him a gentle thank you as she is flanked with cameras and microphones. Her smile remaining intact throughout. 

Ms. Lyndel, is it true that you are no longer going to be touring?

Cassie, how does it feel to be at the top of your charts?

We here you are engaged to be married, is it true?!!

Cassie, can you comment on your latest hit?

She continues to walk through all of them not saying anything. A feeling of de ja vu washes over her but this time, her smile is genuine. The security finally come forward allowing a path for her to enter the tall building. She thanks the guards as they close the doors allowing her to be secure within the building. A few people walking around giving her big smiles as they openly stare at her. 

It had been roughly six months since she left Texas. She had stuck to her guns and recorded the newest album, released it, and then did another tour. The tour was incredible with record numbers in sells. Fans praised her for her work and supported her, giving her so much love. This is her follow up meeting and Cassie had made up her mind on what she wants for her future.

She got into the elevator which was vacant and she looked at her reflection in the mirror. She no longer saw the shell of the girl that was there last year. No longer feeling the weight of the world on her shoulders or the pain she carried daily. Her smile was real and light and more importantly... she felt happy. 

The elevator opened and she was on the top floor. She waved and greeted each person she passed. She was incredibly happy and nothing was going to change that. Tate's secretary, Sarah, stood when she walked towards the office. The woman was quick to open the door for Cassie making Cassie give a small thank you. The woman blushed while smiling but Cassie didn't pay much attention as she strolled into the office. 

The door clicks shut behind her as she strolls over to the man standing by the window. She stops just behind him silently waiting for him. She can hear him take a deep breath in before slowly exhaling. She bites her lip because he knows what is coming. He has been trying to persuade her for the last few months but to no avail. 

"I don't want to turn around because I know what you are going to say..."

"I have a feeling you do." Cass says gently. 

The tall man turns around looking at her with such tenderness. It melts Cassie's heart looking at this man who has become such a father to her throughout her career. His lips pull down in the corners as he frowns at her. She takes the final step as her arms wrap around the man. He doesn't hesitate hugging the young blonde beauty back. She holds him for a few minutes before pulling back. He straightens his shoulders putting on his business face. The sight almost making Cassie laugh. He steps back over to his desk and Cassie follows sitting down in the chair in front of his desk. 

"So, you have officially made 4 albums with Marx Records in the last 5 years. You have won countless awards, sold out stadiums at almost every venue, and have been the top artist in Billboards for the last 8 weeks straight not including times prior with your other records."

"I have." She says in a confident voice. 

"You are in high demand. No one can deny your talent. You have so many opportunities in front of you."

"I do." She says locking her eyes with his. 

They both look to each other as the room falls silent. Cassie can see the way his brows pull together in what appears to be confusion. She has to bite her cheek from smiling at the expression. 

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